Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

@Jalfrezi Do you dislike AC/DC overly much? That’s about the only dad rock band that I like songs from that I wondered if you wouldn’t. Might have gone with this

Yes. They’ve featured before in a walrus.

Outside some Nick Cave I can’t really think of many Oz artists I like apart from the GOATOZ early punk band


i’d been saving this one but can’t resist

The saints were awesome

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I can has walrus reveal this week?


That’s a horny pissed off walrus.

I had to bug out of my place for termite bombing. I’ll try to get some listening in tonight.

Ok working though these. Just to give you an idea of what I’m dealing with here - 4 of the first 5 bands are: Paramore, Mitski, Jim O’Rourke, and Utada Hikaru. So much research to determine category fit.

Also the internet died in my VRBO so I’m on my phone hotspot.

So it’s going slow. Is what I’m saying.

Good news - I found a song that was so bad I don’t think I need to even research category fit.

Update: never mind.


Ok listening to the last song now. The good news is no clear #1 yet - several songs are in play! It may come down to the category fit boost.

Some very clear ChrisV Honorary Imodium songs though.

I’m probably hiking all day tomorrow, so let’s shoot for Wednesday at the same time pyatinski did the last reveal.



Ok let’s start this thing! I’m kicked out of my place for four more hours while we wait for the poison to clear, so this might be a bit disjointed as I bounce around.


I kinda had to flip a coin for the first song on the ChrisV Honorary Imodium. They’re both pretty terrible imo.

That’s no way to talk about the selections.

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#12 - Action Bronson - I’m Going Down

But I am giving the nod to this song because he laughs at himself in the middle of the song - multiple times - which I found incredibly annoying for some reason.

My initial thoughts were this sounded like rap - so I bet this is Yuv. But then never mind not rap, it’s soul. And I am a huge soul fan. But then it turns into some kind of weird bleating that’s like the worst parts of Ed Sheehan and Michael Buble fused together in a semi-soul-esque format.

And then he starts laughing at himself in the middle of the song. Who does this guy think he is - the Rat Pack? This dude is seriously up his own butt. I guess he’s being cheeky - but I’m not buying whatever he’s selling.


Ok gonna eat my fish tacos then squeeze in a few more songs.

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What if a reveal fell in the forest and no one was there to hear it?

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All right well let’s get #11 out of the way - then I’m going to wander over to the coffee shop.

#11 - Outside A Small Circle of Friends - Phil Ochs

Let’s just do my real time thoughts on this one:

Ok Phil Ochs is a name I feel like I should have heard of. Oh god what the the fuck. You’re going to force me to research Action Bronson category fit aren’t you. Ok I’m being trolled here right? It’s like an attempt Arlo Guthrie sung by the Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head (I hate hate hate that song) guy.

Song is kinda peppy but that’s about the only good thing I can say for it. Another one that seems like it might be popular with syphilitic carny barkers.


Pretty sure that’s Nano.

Poor Nano

That song is not that great, but I like Phil Ochs. I post this song sometimes:

Nano got into Phil Ochs early in HS. He died in 1976, but Nano struck up a tiny bit of a friendship with his sister who was about 80 and lived in NY. They talked on the phone a few times and Nano sent her a drawing she made of Phil Ochs.


Just rub it in and make me feel worse. ;)