Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

ugh, I just can’t with this cover. The close harmony of the original is what made it so fucking good.

Yeah that might not bode well for you the rest of this walrus.

Are you still alive this round?

In 4th place with 9 points
Caravan Palace - Lone Digger
Total 164

jalfrezi says:

First impressions were of the unfavourable wtf type.

As the track progresses it’s still annoyingly cute and frothy but not as utterly bereft of ideas as Billy boy, who has already stamped his banality onto this part of the walrus as a benchmark.

Don’t get me wrong, it meets the requirement of being unlistenable alright but it doesn’t make me want to smash something up.

80 (inc. 10 points for not needing muting because the gardeners probably thought I was watching a Tom and Jerry cartoon).

suzzer says:

Starting out fun. Please don’t start singing and ruin it. Ok sexy female lead singer - that can work. The dudes are a tiny bit off but not too bad. I am enjoying this. Totally reminds me of this song, which I absolutely love:

Also I feel like there was another scat-type song that was a big hit a decade ago or so. But I can’t remember.


I have officially podiumed

(but I had a feeling that would happen after certain comments and context both last round and today…)


Hmm I can only remember two of the remaining songs.

Music video reminds me of reading Gun, With Occasional Music

Me too. Being old, like Suzzer and Jal, and knowing both of them is paying off here.


Bronze incoming.

And here’s the podium. If my maths is correct they are separated by a point each!

In 3rd place with 10 points
Green Day - Welcome to Paradise
Total 183

jalfrezi says:

The only fun thing about Green fucking Day is working out which Clash song they’ve bastardised. I think this one might be Complete Control with a bit of the band Wire thrown into the middle section for good measure (though I didn’t last the full duration). Anyone?

Did I ever mention I went to a Clash gig in the late seventies and one of my mates fainted with excitement at seeing them and was hauled to the back of the venue by bouncers, missing the first song lol. Ah, fun times.

Loathsomely derivative and utterly irrelevant nonsense, this is music with no redeeming features whatsoever. lol suzzer if he likes this.

100 - Well chosen.

suzzer says:

I do like me some Green Day. But you’d have scored a shit-ton higher with Jesus in Suburbia - like 99. We Are the Waiting is good too. And the one about masturbation’s lost its fun. This song is ok but not quite instant classic to me.



Lol this is working out better than I even imagined.



It’s too easy. The one thing punk fans really, really hate is successful pop-punk bands.


I am a little bummed though that the podium was all smart strategic picks. I was hoping Nero would sneak in.

but apparently they were all songs you loved, so you can’t be too bummed.

Yeah but I’m so familiar with them there wasn’t quite the same thrill like the Nero song.

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In 2nd place with 11 points
Def Leppard - Photograph
Total 184

jalfrezi says:

Formulaic hard rock. Dull as dishwater but not as embarrassingly bad as some of the other entries.


suzzer says:

Good damn call. Photograph has always been my favorite song of theirs, and the closest thing they have to an instant classic imo. Very well played.



I was thinking 194 for this song.

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Awesome Boston!

It’s crazy that I still know the lyrics to this song even though I haven’t listened to them since like grade 4.

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I thought about picking Def Leppard. But did not.

I will concede that if you weren’t 16 and driving a Camaro about the time Photograph came out, it might not retain the same nostalgic effect.

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I must have ranted about Def Leppard (or generic hard rock) before (Green Day too I expect).

I remember when the drummer lost his arm and hoping that would be the end of them. Says a lot about a band if the most important member loses a large amount of his playing and no one can tell the difference.

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