Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

In 6th place with 7 points
Madonna - Don’t Cry for me Argentina
Total 151

jalfrezi says:

I’m old enough to remember the Julie Covington original smash hit, but this one sounds like a mess of a mix with some incongruous castanets, strings and backing vocals all at war with each other.

Way overproduced, I Chose Freedom too and stopped listening after 4 minutes.

One of relatively few big mistakes in the Madge canon.


suzzer says:

Oh God. I don’t have good memories of this song. But I haven’t heard it in forever. Let’s see how it goes. Neutral so far. OK kinda fun. Is this a remix? Why yes, yes it is. Ok this could be fun. Eh Miami mix ok Cubany w/e - but I’d rather hear a Tiesto remix. I do like Madonna for the most part. And the underlying song is ok in this format - reminds me of Abba. A lot. Ok decent song I’m ready to move on.

Fuck it’s not even half over. Ok suzzer, you can do this. Imagine you’re salsa-ing with a hot señorita. Problem is after 3 minutes I’m sweating like a pig. Maybe 4 if I’m right under an air-conditioning duct. So this is the part of the song where I’m trying not to move my head too fast and spray her with sweat. And now we got some drum and bass breakdown thing. Eh. Please be over soon, I’m about to pass out from heatstroke here. I’m going to have to head straight outside right after this for about 30 minutes while my head, face and shirt dries off. No more dancing for suzzer for a while.



Good call on the remix. The original probably would have gotten a 30-40.

Suzzer dancing analogy is A+++++++!

eta: Disappointing song. I usually love Madge.

That was me. I was pretty lost trying to pick one for this, so I went with a pop tune I’ve always kinda loved though I have no real idea why. I even bought the CD single back in the day.


I believe this is the first song that scored below average for jal and above average for me.

In 5th place with 8 points
Angel Olsen - Shut Up Kiss Me
Total 152

jalfrezi says:

For people who found early PJ Harvey too unsettling, this is Green Day to Harvey’s The Clash or Gary Numan to her Bowie.

She’s trying far too hard to impress the photocopier and water cooler office set.

Averagely contemptible.


suzzer says:

Ok this could go either way. Little 4-Non-Blondsy. Not terrible. Oh dear the chorus is… something. Gonna need to process this for a bit to see if I’m missing something. Middle part is ok again. And there’s the chorus again. Ah the bridge - totally adequate. But tempered by the knowledge that IT is coming again. The buildup to meh chorus is killing me. Damn it was a good buildup too. Ok the background ethereal stuff is ok. And ending is getting better and better. Just no more chorus and we’re gonna get out of this ok. All right - 10 bonus points for not doing the chorus again



I was probably too generous on this song. But I liked everything except the chorus.

This was mine. I was surprised I made it this far after Suzzer portended my doom in an earlier review.

Lol photocopier and water cooler set.

Don’t say that, it beat my entry by 1 point in 200!!


Unfortunately I’m on a work meeting at the moment, and can’t relisten to get more spicy takes.

They’ll probably think it’s terrifically edgy. Just like Glastonbury (or whatever the US equivalent is).

Austin? What is Glastonbury famous for?

Definitively alternative about 50 years ago then became a corporate washout bucketlist item for the terminally vapid.


Not my pick, but I bet this would have done well here.

Sausalito maybe? Soho?

Bonnaroo or Austin City Limits for sure

I love this song. Would get a 95 or so. Original get 85 maybe.

Oh we’re talking festivals. I thought we were talking about the kind of people who move to Glastonbury lol.

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I once flew in to Austin on what turned out to be the first day of SXSW. I got talking to some attractive German girl in the immigration queue, and very uncharacteristically it seemed to be going well. Then when I said I had no idea what SXSW was and wasn’t there for anything to do with it, she refused to believe I wasn’t taking the piss out of her and went ice cold and that was that.