Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

This is the best category idea in a long time. I’m dying over here :laughing:


It’s fucking hilarious given suzzer’s whole premise for this is that apparently he and I agree on nothing at all musically.


Ha. At least I got to submit a Kylie track at last. Getting most hated by both gives me a strange satisfaction.



Right so that GTO play wouldn’t have worked either because I would give it 100.

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This got a 19 purely for the lead guitar player. Poor guy.

At this point I’m reasonably sure that Jal gave my entry 100…can’t be too sure about Suzzer, though

No the premise is to find the gulf. Obviously we’re both going to hate a ton of songs that are just objectively horrible. And like songs that are instant classics.

In 8th place with 5 points
Billy Joel - All for Leyna
Total 132

Jalfrezi says:

Billy fucking Joel!

The sad thing about people like Billy boy is that he’s actually a talented pianist (so said my former piano teacher mum anyway) but his recording career has been plagued throughout by the sort of utterly MOR tosh that this track admirably exemplifies (having jumped onto the early 70’s singer/songwriter bandwagon and missing his true calling as the keyboard player in a prog band).

What ever made him think he had something of interest to say either verbally or musically is beyond me - he’s an artisan not an artist.

Unlistenable (I didn’t manage the full 4 minutes). I’m listening to these outside and had to mute this one out of embarrassment as the lads who do the communal garden here walked past.

100 - truly execrable. Well done submitter.

suzzer says:

I have a soft spot for Billy Joel. I’ve never heard this song before though and eh - I feel like there’s a reason this was never a hit. It isn’t horrible. Spacey synth solo is kinda fun. Classic Billy Joel bass line. But I think you could have easily scored higher with Captain Jack or My Life or something. I doubt you had to pick a shitty Billy Joel song to get a high score from jal. Classic FPS.



Feeling good about this category.

The youtube link in the OP didn’t work for me.

eta: and now I have to delete it from my youtube history

Should get more interesting as the gulf widens.

Wowwwwww. I knew I would get a 100 from Jal but really thought Suzzer would dig it a little more. Underachieved here.

Like I said - should have gone for Captain Jack or My Life. I bet he hates those almost as much.


From memory (cos obv I’m not subjecting myself to any more of him) My Life would have got about 85.

In 7th place with 6 points
Nero - Promises
Total 135

jalfrezi says:

A dubstep single from a decade ago, this is the most decent track here by quite some margin. I had to listen to this twice to make sure I wasn’t imagining it, but these people seem to have decent song writing skills.

40 - Sorry whoever you are.

suzzer says:

Ok cheesy EDM-ish. Good call as I usually like this. Hmmm kinda wished it stuck to trance. But this skrillex-lite stuff isn’t too bad. OH WAIT I KNOW THIS SONG! I love this fucking song and I’d forgotten all about it. Nice job!!! Great chorus. Here comes the bridge I’m so excited. If Jal hates this, this pick goes down as pure genius. [CENSORED] was just doing good background research and paying attention. But this pick could be the Cinderella story out of nowhere.



Ah well - I thought this had a chance to win if jal hated it. Great song!

Wow, first song Suzzer actually liked. He’s been Jalfrezying this thing so far.

Well it makes sense the lowest scoring songs would be hated by me.

Lol pyat - good job censoring the unranked song. Pretty sure that one is the winner now. And I have a hunch it’s Microbet based on some of the comments he’s made.

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