Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

See above

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Just add jal’s score and mine. Highest point total wins.

I’ll start listening tonight. I only now a few of these so it might take a bit longer. But I can try to get the score and comments to you by tomorrow.

That contradicts the category post!!

But fine.

Yes it does. I realized there was a simpler way.

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Have to sum them. Subtracting doesn’t work b/c you lose information.

Scores have been delivered to pyatnitski. A few of you really failed at this. There’s one song I think jal might even score higher than me.

But then again maybe that was the GTO play - pick the worst song ever and take your 100-ish pts.

Absolutely shocking selections. I don’t think more than a couple will appeal to suzzer.

I actually quite liked one of them.

I gotta podium this one!

i had no idea what any of them like so I just sent a song I like instead.

I actually have 5 over 80 points. Then a few in the 50-70 range. Then it goes downhill.

If the one you liked is the same as the one I really liked then it ruins the Cinderella story.

Apart from sending two people some of the worst recorded music of the past 40 years to listen to in their free time, this was the other flaw.

I gave four maximum points and another six at least eighty points.

Edit: you rated half the selections as 80 points plus?

HAHAHAHA fucking hellfire. Seems they knew what they were doing after all.


I have both results and I should be able to stitch them together without trouble and reveal this evening my time.

That would be starting around 4pm - 5pm EST, 1pm - 2pm PST. @suzzer99 if that’s no good for you let me know and we can either agree a better one or I’ll send you the necessary materials.


I’m really looking forward to this reveal - I do have the advantage of not having to listen to any of the songs - apart from mine of course, which is magnificent


OK, all sorted for the reveal. I can exclusively leak that there are two songs that jal liked more than suzzer! Full details later.


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That time works for me.

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OK, let’s say around 70 mins from now for the reveal - though time subject to the strength of my son’s bedtime protest. We’ll find out who annoyed @Jalfrezi the most.



Are there going to be write ups from Suzzer and Jalfrezi about what they thought of the songs?

Or is it just going to be A + B = C ?

I added commentary and pretty sure Jal did too.