Suzzerwalrus interest thread

I updated fruitrock to allow bands with fruit in the name. There are plenty of those.

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Just when you thought you’d heard everything there was to hear in FRUIT ROCK, suzzer breathes new life into the genre.


Got a banger for the fruit category right away but I have a feeling a dozen other people will pick it.

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I can think of three songs with fruit in the name right off the top of my head…none of which would I submit because I’m pretty sure suzzer would hate them all.

Remember you can use fruit in the band name now.

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X-posting for music lovers:

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I need a short break from this forum. Have microbet text me when all the entries are in and I’ll come back and do the walrus. :heart:


Was any deadline given? I tend to submit things towards the end.

working on mine and oof, category 4 is giving me fits.

Most of the things I come up with are slow/not upbeat songs done by bands that normally rock out…which then fails the “butt move” test.

Nobody spoke up so Sunday it is I suppose.

well, I submitted.

Now is the time when I start thinking of better submissions for every category and start second guessing myself. :roll_eyes:

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Can’t resist doing a bit of admin. I’m @-ing everyone who expressed an interest, even if you have submitted.

The deadline is Sunday (18th July).

The categories are here:

And send your entries to me, @pyatnitski. It would be very helpful if you would put the links as preformatted text like this

(To do that use the GUI or precede the link by a line break and 4 spaces)



Sunday, yikes. I’ll see what I can do.

Looks like this is going to be epic. Didn’t do a firm count but about 35.0 entries?

Yeah 200 and under are nothing at work. Need those Sennheisers!

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@suzzer99 so for the Good song by a band/artist that kinda sucks and Departure from a band/artist’s normal style we should be aiming for artists you are very familiar with already?

Dammit. Can’t let me troll the guy in peace?!

After reading through the thread this is going to be far better than I expected. The butthurt is going to be…anthemic?


Monty Pythonic

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I’ve been stuck doing family biz all weekend. Will submit tomorrow if acceptable