Suzzerwalrus interest thread

What’s the deadline?

Does getting them in by Sunday night work not work for anyone?

suzzer, not sure what you mean by anthem exactly. I think of something like We Will Rock You which is a 2 minute song with a chorus that everyone can shout out. Most of those things are way under 5 mins so not sure exactly what you’re going for.

I disagree with suzzer that anthems ought to be >5 min, afaict they’re almost all radio-friendly jams like We Will Rock You. But I guess he’s the judge.

Yeah the anthem one is going to be a crapshoot. That’s what makes this fun though.

Freebird, Stairway to Heaven - think epic. We will rock you/we are the champions would have been perfect - it’s literally called an anthem all the time.

You should want to shotgun a beer and yell fuck yeah with your bros after listening to an anthem.

I’m ruining all the good songs here but Foghat - Slowride would get two 10s from me. Also lots of newer songs.

An anthem will often have a huge beat drop (not exactly like edm don’t be literal) and maybe a few fake endings before the real one.

In short - it will rock your dick in the dirt. Fuck yeah!

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Im not going to ding if it’s < 5 minutes, just saying that fits most of the songs I call anthems. A two minute punk song isn’t enough time to get my fuck yeah worked up.

Same with stuff like We will rock you/ we are the champions. If they’re often played together im not going to ding for it technically being two songs. It’s about the spirit of the rule for me.

I’ll give you a modern anthem that I’ve already used in another walrus - Porcupine Tree - Trains.

I don’t want people to get too hung up on rocking out either. There are EDM songs I consider anthems. Oasis - Wonderwall is an anthem IMO. It’s about the spirit of anthem

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OK, so Suzzer definitely doesn’t know what an anthem is, so we gotta factor that in.


I discovered something (new to me) doing research for your walrus that is absolutely fucking insane.


Weirdly the first thing I googled came up with this guy and the question - is Stairway to Heaven a rock anthem - came right out of the gate. He agrees with you that it’s anthemic but not a rock anthem.

So whatever - my loose definition is anything that’s anthemic. His metric is can you sing a long together to it. My definition is does it rock your dick in the dirt.

Also FYI - I didn’t listen any past that because I don’t want to spoil any potential anthems. So feel free to use a song from that guys list - it won’t influence me one way or the other as I don’t know what’s on his list.

The thing about Rod Stewart and a quart of tiger sperm? Yeah crazy stuff.

I want to record that foreign language categories suck balls. That is all.

No, it’s a musicology thing that if you tried to explain it to someone, the most frequent response would be “lolwut?”

I like having my balls sucked.

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