Summer LC thread

some rich mofos up in this senorkeeed joint!

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Westminster systems tend to have rigid party discipline where most votes are enforced along party lines. “Crossing the floor” is a stock phrase meaning to vote against one’s own party, which may risk expulsion from the party. Parties sit in groups so to join the opposing party one must literally “cross the floor”, as here, although the phrase is usually figurative.


My mortgage payment is less than my truck payment, and my truck payment isn’t very high.

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Everyone here is wealthier than me. I have a great deal on a POR apartment, my friends who have sizeable mortgages on $750K houses in the area get mad at me when I talk about it, but fuck them. I’ve been in the same place for several years, an 850 or so sqft studio that is the lower level of a house in a great area that the landlords converted to an apt. Currently $875/month (!) and that includes all utilities, wifi, and Playstation Vue which has pretty much every cable channel I’d want and also the local station for Blazer games. My landlords are hippie naturopaths who live in the upper two levels. I think in POR landlords aren’t allowed to raise the rent more than 10% a year but they usually don’t even try. There are tons of apartment buildings going up in the neighborhood that advertise 480sqft studios for $2500/month, I guess they fool people because they are brand new and have steel kitchens. I’m in the Richmond neighborhood in SE and can walk a few blocks to basically everything, including possibly the best pizza and taco places in the city, pizza place might be the best in the state. I don’t have a ton to brag about but I love my living situation.


I pay $840 in rent and my 2008-model car is paid for. #ballerlife


I never know if you’re joking or not, but that’s pretty much me. I live so cheap right now, fist bump brother


To be fair, $840 in the Midwest buys you a rather nice 1-bedroom apartment. I even have a vaulted ceiling.

My biggest leak is splurging on YouTube TV during football season.

This idea that you need some huge house is just consumerist nonsense. You spend so much time and money maintaining things and filling it with stuff you don’t need.


And my landlords just put in a brand new washer and dryer in the storage area outside my place which is solely for use by me and the occasional AirBnB guest they have, which is like twice a month. And I’m pretty sure they’re afraid of me, what a great situation.

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$619 rent and 2001 honda accord here

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Craziness… Good luck, hope you guys have the winning bid!

I was hoping to buy a place this go around, but I’m happy with the place I found to rent, and I’m nervous about the housing market the next couple of years, so all told I’m content.

Sounds great. I’ll have to pass this on to my buddy for next time he’s in the area.

I’ve got two cars right now, a 2012 Honda Civic and a 2004 Hyundai Sonata. I’m basically giving the Civic to my parents, I don’t need two cars. I got rear ended in the Hyundai a couple months ago by a 2018 Kia Sorento going about 10mph. It absolutely mauled the front end of the Kia, dented in all sorts of shit, I was amazed. The Hyundai got a cracked tail light, that’s it, and I somehow got $800 for it, the car can’t be worth more than $2500. I used the money to replace the CV joints and got the interior detailed, it’s like brand new now, and only 120K miles. 2004 Hyundai Sonata, picture me rolling.


why do you think they are afraid of you?

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My rent is going to be $1705, including parking. Our two-bedroom place is a total of $2805 including parking. My 2016 Mazda is paid for.

I likely wouldn’t get a place this nice without a roommate, but I was in a position to have a roommate regardless since I’m going to be staking a good friend… So I’m okay with “splurging” on housing. Like, budget wise I’m well within my means, but it’s not a necessity to have all the nicest stuff and I’m typically more in the category of making sure I’m in a safe/nice area, and not going too overboard beyond that. I prefer to try to save up money.

I don’t feel wealthy, but I do feel blessed to be able to afford what I can and I know my annual income/net worth puts me in a pretty high percentile for my age bracket. At the same time, I’m only starting to feel like I am turning the corner from working for survival to working to accrue wealth, which is a huge relief in terms of stress/mindset. Like, it would take a pretty massive downswing now to put me in any danger in terms of regular expenses.

That said, I’m just over two years removed from having to rebuild at live 1/3 after a life and poker downswing, and about four years removed from spending a couple years living with my parents to pay down the debt I racked up trying to make it in sports broadcasting. While I was in sports broadcasting, my rent ranged from like $600-700/mo in Winston-Salem, Portland (Maine) and Queens… and I was still racking up debt while also getting help from my parents.

At one point while working in radio, I had to go on Medicaid because I was too poor to qualify for a plan on the ACA exchange with a subsidy. I mentioned it to my boss, who was illegally paying me less than minimum wage, and his response was, “Fuck yeah, man!”

I had an interesting chat with a friend over whether my boss was too stupid to realize I was on Medicaid because I was so poor, or lacked the empathy to care. The real answer was probably both, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t know what Medicaid was.

Anyway, I don’t know that there was a real point to all of that. It still feels super weird/surreal to be moving into a place so nice, in part because of the big difference from the not so distant past.


Mostly because of how overly apologetic they are when they screw something up, like accidentally opening one of my Amazon packages or when their idiot dog does something like break one of my plant pots on the porch. I find myself reassuring them that it’s no big deal, no problem, I’m not mad at all. We do have a cordial relationship, I like them. It could be because I’m quite a bit larger than them (large growen sonn) and always look pissed off, that resting bitch face or whatever.

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I had money before I started doing solar. Broke now. Meh. I predict recovery before 2025.


As long as they’re still going mechanically, keep getting your money’s worth! I like to buy certified pre-owned cars that are ~3 years old. Close enough to new to still be nice, but a lot of the depreciation in a car happens in those first three years. I’ve had enough trouble with cars breaking down that going CPO seems like a good move to me.


cuse, what do you do professionally, poker?


I’ve said this before, but the Marie Kondo phoenomenon is really one of the most amazingly subversive bits of pop culture I’ve ever seen. This woman who doesn’t even speak English telling you that you own way too much shit and should throw it out is an astonishing anti-consumerist message for a mainstream Netflix show. I sort of think she gets away with it because she’s so disarmingly adorable.

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