Summer LC thread


I have no idea who you are but I think I like you anyway

How about fuck you, language AI.



Hey to the new guy.

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How does the NYT not insta-fire this tool for using their institution’s name to try to get a random guy fired? That’s absolutely despicable behavior! And surely they realize that there is absolutely nothing special about Bret Stephens. I can go over to Mason’s Nazi forum and find 25 more interesting people - memo to NYT, it doesn’t take intelligence to whine about safe spaces and nominally acknowledge Trump is a disaster.

For the millionth time, if the NYT wants to have GOP viewpoints represented, publish some racist dipshit from Redstate or Brietbart. Those guys actually represent mainstream Republican views. Publishing assholes like Bret Stephens allows people to pretend they’re the enemy. The truth is far more unsettling.



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The dog on the right should definitely be paid more. He is obviously smarter and more efficient.

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They made him quit Twitter and he was called a bed bug, hasn’t he been through enough already?

C-suite material if I ever saw it.

So because the NYPD is having a sad about Pantaleo (guy who choked Eric Garner to death) getting fired, they have commenced another “slowdown”, where they stop prosecuting people for minor crimes.

The results from the first week are in. They made 27% fewer arrests and 29% fewer summons and the result was that serious crime has declined. The same thing happened last time they did this in 2014-15. In shocking news, it turns out “broken window policing” is bullshit. The main effect of the slowdowns is to starve the city of revenue, since police are no longer shaking people down for money.


The Amazon fire thing sure left the news cycle fast.

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Wait till they hear that Briziallian Soya beans are now the biggest export to China… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Kinda half joking here.

Well it changed from “Sweet Jesus the Amazon is burning!!” to “The Amazon is being intentionally burnt by the shithead president of Brazil, we must respect their sovereignty”


The world needs to stop paying Brazil to try to get them to not burn down the Amazon and start directly bribing President Shithead to not burn down the Amazon.

So fast that when I first read this post I thought it was about Amazon Fire TV


Lol me too!