Summer LC thread

Well Named is a little twat lapdog

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I’m gonna guess you were Dr. Melfi?

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Yes I mean it wasn’t a secret or anything

That’s lilu. anatta was an absolute gem, posting stream-of-consciousness horse-race takes and general musings. Hard to explain, but a great guy. Had a real “Hunter S. Thompson, but way mellowed out” vibe.


Didn’t he go full David Duke in a meltdown at some point or am I thinking of someone else?

Yes, lilu! thanks

I the ikeslayer that was lilu or something like that?

Which one of you is “Dr. Jennifer Melfi?” He/she apparently came in, posted a few sarcastic posts, and then got temp-banned for no apparent reason.

anatta? Jesus I hope not. That’d be heartbreaking.

Sacker settlement is fucking garbage. They remain billionaires, free to roam the earth after killing hundreds of thousands. Crime pays in the USA #1 for white guys with money.

Limited liability baby!

I can’t get over how much of a bitch Bret Stephens is

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The way he reacts makes it obvious he’s a type of insect that feeds on human blood, usually at night.

GW president invited him to campus to discuss civility or some bullshit, gjge buddy

Pete still makin friends

Bret Stephens is the Carter Page of David Brookses

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Bret Stephens is the actual fucking worst on the NYT op-ed page as well. The others all occasionally write something which makes you mad, or amused, or whatever. Some sort of reaction. Bret Stephens pieces are all just like about how the Democrats need to appeal to him, or how Howard Schultz is the champion of the silent moderate majority. Just the most banal and unedifying takes possible. It’s like being force fed cold rice pudding. I mean, look at this shit:

Who in their right mind would want to read any of this vapid effluent? “Vanilla” sounds exciting next to this.

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So I’m not sure what to make of this. On the one hand, this guy’s father called AIDS a “plague” sent by god to kill teh gays. OTOH, it really looks like this guy is at best a freak and a very weird dude with some hypocritical proclivities

I do not understand Pete Davidson’s appeal one bit. He’s the worst SNL cast member by far.


Find me a job I can do from home that pays a living wage and I’ll be there by the end of the year.

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Pete Davidson had the privilege to be Ariana Grande’s boy toy. Dude used his “one time” and has no right to complain about anything, ever.

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