Summer LC thread

Juan Valdez, who has a history of posting Proud Boy videos. I don’t think he has a history of harassing anyone and I don’t want to freak people out, but everyone should stay cautious.

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Did he post openly about it?

If so, surely we have nothing to worry about as MM will shut him down real quick for running afoul of the borders of vigorous debate with a little bit of fun.

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How do you know? Makes me want to request a deletion of my entire 2p2 posting history if they’re going to allow guys like that to run wild. Nice forum you’ve got there, WN.

And deletion of Exiled as well

[quote=“■■■■■■■■■■■, post:1475, topic:41, full:true”]
Did he post openly about it?[/quote]

No, Wookiee mentioned it. Wookiee could be overreacting because he’s been a victim of doxxing attempts in the past, but I’m always paranoid about this stuff.

Anyway back to Bret Stephens, the tweets that make me lol the hardest are honestly just the straight reporting:

lol – digging up dirt about Sklansky = me doing a search on something and the thread about him banging a 16 year old popped up which I mentioned and never brought up again. Meanwhile, dude has links of users’ quotes saved up.

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I searched “curb” on here, and found two uses in “curb stomping” and both referred to electoral outcomes, not violence.

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Juan Valdez: Unhinged

Netflix 2019

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Good lord the old forum is exactly as we expected it would be.

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Juan Valdez is the failed stand-up comedian guy, right? Sounds like he’s in the same spot as Farage after Brexit; he never expected to get what he was demanding and keeps trying to recreate the magic of endless whinging.


Ok seriously though how would I go about deleting my 2p2 history? I don’t have anything there that’s too concerning but I also don’t have any reason to let my content stay there.


There truly is a dril tweet for all conceivable occasions.


You can’t, at best you can annoy Mat into guesting you but since you were already permed by Mason your Mat annoyance options are limited.

well named might do it if you asked nicely.

Hmm…he might of been that wolf guy. Juan if that was you who pulled the wool over mansons eyes well done i did not think you had it in you.

Also holy cow. Wookiee was a pretty good mod and fair you should reevaluate your ability to comprehending and think about things.

That place is a fucking cesspool, I can’t even. Holy shit.

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Hey buddy, watch it. Calling that wonderful forum a cesspool might get you a temp-ban, you need to stick to quality posting like implying Hillary Clinton has people murdered.


That cant be right but tell me this is true because that would be amazing.

I’m pretty sure only an admin can guest people.

I called them a cesspool to their faces. It’s like the majority position is “I don’t like the Proud Boys but they’re clearly not white supremacists and how dare you attack Juan Valdez, he’s clearly not a racist he doesn’t even support the Proud Boys he just loves to defend them and post their videos!”

Then WN pops in to post some poll about how liberal the forum is lol…