Summer LC thread

And OF COURSE Joe Scar Br0 gives Stephens a platform. He’ll probably become a reg now

Would have guessed David Brooks or Bari Weiss but Bret was definitely third on my big board. What an absolute parody of everything wrong with USA #1 media.

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When reading about what Physcon, I reminded me of an interview[0] I recently listened to with Drs. James Lindsay and Peter Boghossian. They bring up some of these very ideas and how they are encountering them today in our society: i.e. people who see science and reason as “master’s tools” of “oppression”.

It seems that everything old is new again.

Someone posted this video on hacker news as a comment. You couldn’t pay me to watch it but holy crap the comments.


TheVeganChristian!2 weeks ago

I wish everyone in the West would watch this video this is desperately needed!


N L1 week ago (edited)

The fatal flaw in critical race theory is that all members of any given identity do NOT have the same experience, consciousness or outlook on life. Once you realize that critical race theory is blind to individuality and individual experience, the whole house of cards collapses.

Werd Nnam

Werd Nnam2 weeks ago

This is upside down world. Social justice evangelicals and social justice atheists VS objective truth evangelicals and objective truth atheists. I could’ve never imagined this when I was in high school just 6-7 years ago.


Yesica19931 week ago

Around 58:00 - Wow, the parts about 1) asking for evidence = you’re already guilty of whatever accusation, and 2) the idea that only minorities have whatever insight it’s claimed they have, and yet if you ask them to help/teach you, you’re still condemned as a racist - that’s insanity! Even if you sincerely try to play by their rules & gain understanding, you’re STILL condemned. You can’t win!

Carey M

Carey M2 days ago

Jordan Peterson said the same thing. If you hear the words Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion. Pull them out of the class. They are not being taught. They are being indoctrinated!

This is a virus that exploits empathy, and that means in liberal institutions it runs rampant. The answer is speech, and part of the virus is to deplatform and censor, because “speech is violence.” The only immune response we have is being suppressed.

Critical Race Theory is just post modernism with a stick. They’ll beat the political correctness into you. It has nothing to do with acceptance or equality, only dominance and submission.

I am watching so many small and aging congregations dwindle even further as the pastors embrace social justice and insert woke talking points into their sermons. People walk out. I have.

This is like a no-win situation Of drowning the witch , it’s intended for extermination basically of the white race. If the accused witch dies when you hold them underwater than they weren’t a witch after all, there’s no way for the accused to survive The trial .

This is so well thought out, so disarming in the most literal sense of the word, it has to be active measures, this is an ideological pathogen that’s designed specifically for America to destroy itself from within. It may have spread out of gender studies and academia, but make no mistake, Intersectionality is a weapon.

@1:30:00 to end. Intersectionality, grievance studies, it doesn’t end in an Evergreen situation, rallying racial groups to fight one another, where have we seen that before? this should terrify us, we need to reject it with every fiber of our beings, understand this is being implemented on a mass scale, and it doesn’t end with daily riots or societal collapse, if you follow it all the way to its logical conclusion, it ends with gas chambers

So is the final answer white genocide? If the goal is to eradicate racism, and white people are inherently racist, then wouldn’t it make sense to kill the thing that cannot help itself as the solution to the problem? James Lindsay is so smart and I enjoy his work, I also appreciate what he has done to oppose/expose intersectionality; however he/we/humanity will not be able to overcome this evil conundrum without God. Period. So when he brought up his “old school atheist” smirk about religion finally embracing the very thing that will bring about it’s demise; I have to say, how ironic…because this intersectionality thing is in fact the thing that will be his demise as well, and all of his atheism and intellectual brilliance cannot possibly save him from it. It’s a bit appalling to observe both of them snicker every time they bring up the thought of God and religion in the presence of their host. In many ways they are the same as the woke ones that they are so concerned about. Wow.
It just goes on and on and on like this w/o one dissenting voice.

Unless you’re dealing with someone who is so far off the rails as to describe evidence based reason as white supremacy (yes, they exist), here is a method that has worked for me (borrowed from Jordan Peterson): accepting all systemic and tailored oppression as true, and viewing it all through the intersectional lens, it can be a simple matter to walk someone to their own unique and individual forms of oppression, and from there to the impossibility of couching lived experience in group dynamics. (I’m batting about .400 with this approach - given the challenge, I consider that an acceptable success rate) Longer form explanation:

Who in the hell are these pseudo-intellectual racist people who seem to earnestly believe the white race is about to disappear due to SJW issues? And that the real problem is liberals using science to oppress, not right-wingers believing in witchcraft and doubting any science that’s inconvenient? And wtf is CRT?

I enjoy this lawn sprinkler metaphor. I am going to steal it.

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He is absolutely “let me speak to your manager” guy. Been coasting on privilege for decades and is in desperate need of a “trading places” experience.


JFC they’re going to try to do this aren’t they? Both sides mannnnnn


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Neteller was the best. I missed out on moving up in stakes many times because of the ability to cash out and go party nearly instantly though lol.

So heads up, guys: one of the angry weirdos on 22 is apparently going through both the old venue and Unstuck to try to dig up dirt or whatever on users.

I say this not to stir up forum drama but to remind everyone to be extremely cautious sharing personal info anywhere on the internets, there’s all kinds of creeps out there.

(I wasn’t sure where the best place to put this is, mods can move it or whatever.)

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Our so called proud university :cry:

The boldest thing Glasgow Uni has done In years was rebuild the Union.

Nailed it…

Thanks for the heads up, also interested in more details…

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