Summer LC thread

With this whole Israel not letting the congresswomen in thing, I was thinking about the issue little. Can anyone square these things for me. I guess I’m not sure if all of the following are correct, so if that’s the case let me know.

  1. Jewish people in the US (in general) favor Democrats and dislike Trump
  2. Jewish people in the US are pro Israel
  3. Israelis are pro-Trump
  1. Strongly true. More than almost any group.

  2. It depends on how you ask the question. Jews support Israel, but I think are more likely than non-Jews in America to say they are sympathetic to Palestinians in the conflict over the occupied territory.

  3. That’s generally true. He polls well over 50% in Israel.

Israel is fucked up for a lot of reasons. Being Jewish and “supporting” Israel doesn’t mean you think Israel is always right or that Israel is the number one issue in the world.

I guess #3 is the surprising one to me. I mean with the kids in cages, both sidesing, Antifa is a terrorist group, and all of the other shit that Trump does, Israelis of all people should understand how evil someone like Trump is.

Maybe the details of all his Trumpiness just aren’t as well covered there, so they get the pro-Israel message loud and clear, but miss the other stuff.

Likud = GOP = Tories = National Socialist German Worker’s Party

Stephen Miller, too big an asshole for Betsy DeVos.

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Israel is like where the US is heading. Israeli Jews should understand how awful Trump is. They would have understood it 30 years ago. Jewish Americans generally do understand how awful Trump is.

After years of domination of the Right in Israel (Rabin was assassinated in 1995) and the construction of a wall that separates Israelis from Palestinians in the WB (2000-2006), the population has grown steadily more, well, deplorable.

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Is the Forum slow loading for anyone else today?

omg YES
give elderly people tails! why didn’t i think of this??

last year old people were freaked out by cat filters, in 10 years young people will be freaked out by cat tails, they’re gonna be like, “ew cats are gross, we’re into lava rocks now. old people are so dumb”

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I’ve met a good number of brown (Jewish) Israelis and white Palestinians, so I kind of assumed that whatever discrimination they’ve got over there is based very little on skin color. Is that not the case?

At a lower level all the Middle Eastern Jews, Mizrahi (like Yemeni) Jews, feel some discrimination.

I think every single PM has been of entirely Euro ancestry and Netanyahu (his first time around) was like the first one not born somewhere like Russia or Poland.

edit: Yigal Peikowitz was born in Palestine. His parents immigrated from Europe a few years before he was born. He changed his name to Yigal Allon.

Btw, that name change thing — a lot of Jews in Europe before the 19th century didn’t have last names and the antisemitic authorities gave them derogatory names. I don’t know what “Peikowitz” means, but “witz” in German means “joke”.

Are Mizrahi a subset of Sephardi or something separate? If yes, then Sephardi non-Mizrahi are not discriminated against and Mizrahi are discriminanted against. Is that right?

trillion-dollar political idea:

kind of like joe biden’s moonshot to cure cancer plus reparations for slavery, it’s “reparations for severely disabled people”, ok? go with me on this:

first we develop the technology to have human brains control robot skeletons, but then, you don’t just make it a human exoskeleton, you put the disabled person in a t-rex or at least velociraptor body, and let them be on top for a while, why not? i bet you can’t come up with one good reason why not.


You might have to get an Israeli (Yuv?) here to check my work, but Sephardic means Spanish and it’s the diaspora from the expulsion of Jews in 1492. A lot of Sephardic Jews went to North Africa, but also to Spanish Colonies. Mizrahi are Middle Eastern Jews and overlap with North Africa, but also from like Yemen and other parts of the ME that are on the Asian continent.

“-witz” is just the Germanized spelling of the Polish surname suffix “wicz” or “wic”. A version of this is pretty common in most Slavic languages and according to wikipedia it means “son of”.

The German word “Witz” actually has a different origin and it comes from a word meaning cleverness. Well, not all jokes are clever (especially ones invented by German humor…), but I can see the connection between the two. I guess it is related to the English word “wit”.

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Thx. I was just googling and translating the name and got the “joke” for it in German. “son of” makes more sense. He probably just changed his name to a Hebrew name.

My sense is that a lot of first generation Israelites from distressed regions like Russia and former Soviet states have helped to drive political dynamics in Israel. They are more likely to be religious and face economic hardship and don’t give a crap about Palestinians who stand in the way of a good settlement. Not sure how accurate that it, but 10% extremists can have a lot of sway in a divided electorate. Such people are obviously likely to be pro Trump, and Adelson spends a lot of his cash on Israeli media and politics.