Summer LC thread

That’s a tough one. Bush 41 didn’t poop the bed like 43, but the move was from mediocre and lucky to worse and unlucky. If anyone in the family was actually competent, I suspect it was 41s father.

The rule isn’t only about children. Hillary would never have gotten a national profile for elected office without Bill. She has plenty of merits on her own, but they are not directly related to being a good national political candidate. It’s like a great writer who is the son of a successful banker becoming a less successful banker.

Cuomo is another example of everyone ultimately being a disappointment. He was prepared and did a couple of good confrontational interviews that got him his show, but it is unwatchable.

Sports is a hard sell for that logic. Making it to the majors is by itself a remarkable feat given how hard it is to get there. You can argue that certain people get more exposure and preferential treatment in sports due to their more famous family but getting to the big league is enough to say that a person isn’t below average in their profession.

Totally get it for pretty much everything else though. Meghan McCain has literally zero talent. She went to Stanford because of her name and got a fucking art history degree. Of course this qualifies her to be a host on The View. She is the quintessential failchild.

Yes, it’s a shitty rule for more or less objectively measurable things like sports. Though the kid of a famous athlete will have all the connections and get 5x the chances of a nobody. And plenty of nobodies would have broken through with more opportunities.

Like Stephen Mnuchin isn’t good at anything, but he made a ton at Goldman because his dad was a big shot there, and then he made a ton more by having the cash to make a big housing bet in 2009.

Roided up asshole threatening to throw people down the stairs is not ok.

And they have access to absolutely state of the art coaching from when they can barely walk and their parent’s DNA (which isn’t nothing since they literally got mega rich by being a god tier athlete).

But yeah there’s no comparison between the amount of advantage a parent can give you in sports vs other fields. In the other fields you can be hot garbage and still get carried by your parents. That simply isn’t possible in sports.

sure. Although it’s also not OK to come up to someone and troll/film them irl when they’re trying to have an evening with their family. Fredo being a roided out maniac in that situation is a victimless crime imo, like punching someone in the dark.

I want to live in a world where libs mistakenly punch too many people instead of too few.

Then he should just punch him instead of being a puffed up roid raging frat boy “lib”.

We’re at a tipping point where people are going in and shooting mass amounts of people due to Trump’s rhetoric. There’s a serious conversation to be had about one of Trump’s activated nut bags approaching a journalist of any kind on the street. A lot of that type of person might have guns, and might be intending to harm rather than just troll the person.

Trump’s rhetoric will eventually lead to the murder of a journalist, and I think a person getting that close to a journalist and doing something that provocative is not already not that far off from a successful ‘assassination’ attempt. You now have a pretty good idea of how Cuomo would react in a situation where he feels truly threatened.

No, I don’t. I have an idea of how Cuomo will react in a situation where he doesn’t feel particularly threatened. He was obviously confident that he would win any physical altercation there.

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Until a gun comes out.

You think he thought the other guy might pull a gun? And that’s why he just puffed out his chest and asked the guy to man up and take the first swing?

That interaction there gives you no idea how Cuomo would react if he thought the other guy could kick his ass, let alone thought he had a gun.

I have not watched the confrontation and have no intention of doing so. I’m saying that any journalist being confronted in this way should be alarmed based on Trump’s rhetoric. I could totally see Cuomo going out like The Rock and Sam Jackson in The Other Guys. The fact that he didn’t think the guy had a gun is dumb thinking on his part.

I can think of worse people to get killed than Cuomo because of Trump. Every day I wake up and do the closest thing to pray that a mostly atheist agnostic can that AOC won’t be assassinated today.

I’m not even going to bother to check context.

in his house…

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I get your gist here, but this phrasing is awkward. Cuomo or any other journalist being assassinated because of Trump would be awful.