Summer LC thread

Did you know you can read about something and hear about something without even watching something and still actually get the gist of what happened? DID YOU KNOW THAT???

Commenting on things you know nothing about is one of your big troll games, so this is an odd ‘dunk’ from you.

Why do you keep doing this?

Should I be watching all of the mass shootings before commenting that people shooting people is wrong? I don’t watch things like this, but I sure can comment on what was in it on a base level from new stories.

My whole point of interjecting here was to say that any journalist getting confronted the way he did is not that far off from a successful assassination attempt (he was close enough to kill him). Trump’s rhetoric is going to lead the murder of a journalist, and Cuomo could have gotten got if that was the Trump nut bag’s intent.

Dude we’re not talking about journalists. We’re talking about Chris Cuomo.

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Media personalities, whatever. Hardly anyone can identify a newspaper journalist on the street.

You have to be joking, right?

I’ll repeat again, why is it necessary for me to see this to know what happened when there are numerous news accounts of it available?

All you who criticize me for this are strawmanning. The issue here, and again the whole reason I commented at all, is that a media personality from an outlet that Trump has constantly railed on as ‘fake news’ and an ‘enemy of the people’ was confronted by a Trump nut bag on the street. That person could have had a gun, and Cuomo could be dead right now.

But people are taking lightly the idea that the problem isn’t Cuomo’s reaction to the confrontation, it’s that the confrontation happened at all. I’m sorry, but that’s not that far removed from an assassination attempt, because the guy was close enough to do him harm and was taunting him.


When you first drive a car it’s not immediately obvious which pedal does what.

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To be clear:

I’m arguing media personalities on the street are vulnerable due to Trump’s rhetoric.

People criticizing me say, ‘you didn’t even watch the video bro’.

How is that not a strawman?

It’s a 1-minute video and I laughed all the way through it, it’s not tough to watch or anything

Merely being close enough to talk someone isn’t remotely like an assassination attempt, and saying that it is without actually having seen what happened is silly.

Was the Trump person a nut bag for doing that? If some Trump person gets in my face, I’m going to be concerned as a media personality. Sorry. That Cuomo’s a raging roided up weirdo is beside the point.

And again, why would I give the click (wasn’t the video taken by the Trump person?) when I can read about it or hear about it on TV? I don’t do that man.

I’ll end with something that happened (can’t remember when and who without research). In Mexico, a popular candidate loved going out in his rallies and mingling with the people. His people thought it was a massive security risk because of what he was saying about the drug cartels. He brushed all that off saying ‘the people love me’ or something to that effect. He was assassinated.

If you’re close enough to someone, you’re close enough to do damage. Especially if you have bad intent. If I were a press person being targeted by Trump, I wouldn’t take any interaction with a Trump troll lightly. I don’t get why that’s hard to understand. Do you have to see a media personality assassinated due to Trump’s rhetoric before this hits home?

Was that a near assassination of Tomi Lahren?

Do libs shoot people for who they are and their beliefs on the regular? Did this happen in the week or so after two mass shootings, one of which was tied for certain directly to Trump’s rhetoric?

That’s a false equivalence, and no I’m not clicking the video that isn’t showing up for me yet.

That looks like someone just blindly logging every POST request from the web - which I confess is a mistake we made one time. I had to call our OPS guy - who instantly fixed the code and (supposedly) nuked all the logs and backups. It didn’t have passwords but it did have credit card #s, exp dates and CVV codes.

I’ve had to make so many personal stands for the sake of security. Bosses don’t want to hear it. They only care about features and deadlines and if their butt is directly on the line. If they can just fire someone if the shit hits the fan that’s good enough for them.

I realized one time that in converting our app from a client-based app installed by us on user’s PCs (employees at drug companies monitoring clinical trials) - to a web-based app - it would be very easy to accidentally assign one drug company’s clinical trial to a user at the wrong company.

This would basically be a nuclear bomb for our company as these things are massively guarded secrets, and there are only a handful of drug companies out there as our clients. I had to get on my soapbox for a month to get them to fix the process to make it much harder to assign a user to the wrong study. No one wanted to hear it.

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This fwiw is NOT how smaller operators who actually own the company treat security. The most secure computer network I’ve ever seen is my freight brokerage. Something about having their own money on the line completely alters people’s incentives around security.

I’m not going to talk about my personal cyber security setup but it involves laptops that are used for specific uses and generally kept offline.

Yeah for sure. Nobody thinks they’re going to be around 3 years anyway in a big corporation, and it’s not their money.

My personal security plan is I’m 50 and will hopefully die or be off the grid before some awful hacking event happens to me.

IDK you’ve probably got 40 years left. Security is like anything… doing the minimal 20% of effort stuff gets you 80% of the results. At least get lastpass basically.

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