Summer LC thread

Ah, yeah I can see where that would be misleading. Comments are stored in the DB as cooked HTML. They can be rebaked on a site-wide basis from the command line after major updates, or per-comment from the browser.


I still have no idea why the Facebook videos stop working after awhile or why rebuilding those comments makes them work again temporarily.

I can probably customize it - assuming the software is customizable. If we ever get a list of things that we definitely want to do - I can look at it.

Decent segment on Fresh Air tonight about the Kochs. The punchline was a little disappointing. Author of book, Kochland, says the Kochs have no real use for Trump and do not want him re-elected. According to him, that’s because they are philosophically opposed to Trump’s vision of what government should do and how big it should be. But he also says they’re (obviously) getting pretty much everything they want out of him. The Kochs are supposedly long term thinkers and Trump is turning the GOP in a direction it will take them a generation to turn back to what they planned for it.

If you can work with the Ember.js it’s very customizable, with a plugin framework already in place. What it’s not (and this was a pretty big learning curve for me having been out of this stuff for many years) is a handful of scripts on LAMP. There’s a Rails and Postgres back end. On top of that is the Ember.js framework which feeds a Handlebars templating engine. And the whole thing (minus the DB) lives in a Docker container with Nginx, which as of Sunday is now behind yet another Nginx running as a reverse proxy.

The last time I was doing any forum admin work it was with something one dude banged out in his basement with Perl over summer vacation. The times, they have changed.

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Ugh, reading that article made me realize that I had forgotten what a horror show the Kochs are during the Trump era. Trump is for Medicare, Social Security, etc., but prefers it really just for white people, the minorities that like Trump despite the fact that he is a vicious racist can be treated decently too…

The Kochs, on the other hand, don’t want anyone but themselves and other “masters of the universe” to have jack shit. They don’t appear to have any issues with minorities in particular though, seem to be fine with them coming to the US and being treated just as shittly as the Kochs want to treat people of all races.

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I’ve done a little bit of ember. It’s pretty cool.

Yeah, they pretty much want no constraints on their ability to suck up all wealth and fuck everybody else and fuck the environment too.

There was no discussion of steps they are taking to prevent Trump from re-election. Like are they going to support a longshot primary challenger? Fund 3rd party challenge? Support a “moderate” dem? Do never-again-Trump ads?

I’ve never used any of those tools/languages but can record macros in Excel, maybe I can take a look?

I think people will do plugins and I hope to be one of the people doing it when I get a chance. You can look in the donations thread but there’s like a few hundred dollars there’s not enough money to even think about hiring someone to add features.

Or maybe I used the software correctly and you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Is there a thread on what’s going down in HK? Shit’s crazy. Cop got beat by protestors. Exactly the type of attitude Americans need to reverse the course of their government.

Re: Kochs

Yeah pretty much. They are definitely pretty great representatives for everything wrong with America from 1970-present.

Cuomo’s reaction to that guy is one of the few things that has given me respect for him.

Only Fredo’s can use the word Fredo

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His reaction was fine/good until he he tried to say Fredo is an ethnic slur, which is a hilarious overreach. It’s not fair that’s all that will be remembered but who cares about being fair to an abject Fredo like Chris Cuomo.

That said, Cuomo is on my long list of people who would not have their job if they weren’t related to someone more famous. See, eg, McCain, Megan.

There are some famous people, like Darwin and JS Mill and Ken Griffey Jr, who eclipse their famous relatives, but 98% of high profile people related to someone famous are below average at their job.

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Would you say Dubya exceeded his father’s accomplishments? I could argue both sides of that I think