Summer LC thread

omg that’s real

Self-deprecating humor, don’t see that often from a Trump.

even a trump finds a nut sometimes

Cuomo just got talked down to by Jr. and the condescension was deserved. That should be career ending.

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Said every shitty product owner ever…

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It’s every shitty insecure middle brothers n-word I think he means lol.

first Don Jr with a good tweet now this

kinda unsettling tbh.

I mean, she’s right of course, but then again she makes herself into a victim almost daily so it would mean more coming from basically any other woman.


sure sure. But its unsettling because I’ve literally never seen her be actually right before.


jesus, what a fucking snowflake. Even if a D wins the presidency the Democrats aren’t going to be able to do shit because they’re probably not even going to have a majority in the senate and even if they do, they’re huge pussies so they won’t get rid of the fillibuster.

All you have to do is hit reply and then quote and it auto quotes.

People are not doing it.

Perhaps they will start. It is just different here but it is not really more complex here. Just a second click.

People just need to learn.

Illegally threatening employees in a public forum to troll the libs


Warren is probably the D with the most equity right now and she absolutely wants to get rid of the filibuster.


That is way too good. Has to be faked.

If you mean by “then quote” - highlight the text you want to quote then hit the gray quote then that pops up - that’s kind of hard to do when the window is covering half the post. Much easier to highlight first, then hit quote imo. Also one less step because you don’t have to hit reply.

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No I mean reply to a post and then hit the quote icon on the editor toolbar. You can even type first and then hit it like I did here.
