Summer LC thread

It was generally compensation for a team losing their star players, because in the old days not to long ago players tended to play with teams as young kids that got nurturing/training and a decent wage that (laws been changed a few times) they then signed a contract when turning 16/18 & in agreement with the Football association they decided long ago that £ was a fair way to compensate the clubs who lost their players, if the player is out of contract nowadays (In the past It didn’t matter) they basically go for a free transfer except if the player has been with the club as a kid then a fee is always agreed on no matter if they have a contract.
This wiki should cover most things for you…Worth the read.

I just saw that Toyota Rav 4 ad where the two idiots are lip syncing a country music jingle. Exactly who is this ad targeting? Rednecks who drive Rav 4’s?

(Feel free to move this to the Tilty Commercials thread should one ever come into existence)

Haven’t seen it, but gonna guess it’s targeting hipster twats who recently settled down to have children but still listen to country music ironically so they can remain infantile well into their 30’s.

He’s just jelly cuz it didn’t work for him.

I use all but one of these sign-offs and this is accurate.

My neutral/chaotic evil is Very truly yours, sometimes used to close 12 page “come at me bro” legal letters.


It’s kinda cool that Taylor Swift is a role model for teenage girls on how to handle harassment from thirsty gross-ass men like Kanye and Kid Rock. It sucks that this sort of thing is necessary.

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Well, I don’t consider myself neutral evil.

Absolutely do not get Taylor Swift fandom. She has the personality of a black hole. She makes Scarlet Johansson seem histrionic. Old blocks of wood look at Taylor Swift and think she’s a bit dull.

Lol Kid Rock blurred out the judge’s name.


BREAKING NEWS Middle-age man doesn’t get Millenial girl pop star fandom.

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Yep. Like I get it because when I went to a Taylor Swift concert it was with my girls who were like 7 and 9 years old. It was fun.

I use Best when no sign off seems too abrupt, but it feels insincere. Check it out.


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Speaking of colorful houses… I was in Burano 2 weeks ago. Beige gets you a letter from the HOA

I mean, I get it more than I get 90% of what trends these days. like this apparently famous youtuber who went missing

Five people were killed and three injured following a rocket explosion on a naval test range in Russia on Thursday, state nuclear company Rosatom confirmed.

Rostacom said the accident occurred during tests on a liquid propellant rocket engine.

The three injured staff members suffered serious burns in the accident.

Authorities had previously said that two people died and six were injured in the blast at the site in Nyonoksa.

The company told Russian media that its engineering and technical team had been working on the “isotope power source” for the propulsion system.

The Nyonoksa site carries out tests for virtually every missile system used by the Russian navy, including sea-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and anti-aircraft missiles.

Authorities in Severodvink, 47km (29 miles) east of Nyonska said that radiation levels shortly after the blast were higher than normal for about 40 minutes but returned to normal.

Russians are having a bad week with the Nuclear :pensive:

great time to NUKE the abm treaty gjge

What does it profit a man to pwn the libs, yet forfeit his congregation? 2/x

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Well let’s just wait and see what Fox News and OANN have to say about his next job before we assume he’s not profiting from it.

Players have fixed term contracts with clubs, usually 3, 4 or 5 years.

If the player wants to leave for another club before his contract has expired (usually for a better club or to go back to his home country if he’s unhappy) his current club can make him see out his contract, but if the player’s unhappy that doesn’t bode well for his performances (some have even threatened to go on strike or faked injuries to force a transfer).

So what happens then is the interested club offer to buy him from his club, for an agreed fee they negotiate (often taking several months), and his current contract is torn up. The player then signs a new contract at his new club and the cycle continues.

Crucial in this process is the role of football agents who represent the player in finding him a new club if he’s unhappy, and negotiating his contract with them. As they’re paid commission on the deal, it’s very much in their interests to stir up trouble via the media rumour mill when one of their players is entering the latter stage of his contract because as smacc posted the player can leave for free and his club get nothing when his contract expires, the aim being either to engineer a move to another club or a new contract on better terms (ie money) with his existing club.

Football agents are generally viewed as scummy individuals who often stoop to any depth to get the best deal for their client, but a necessary evil in football.