Summer LC thread

I’m honestly surprised at the reaction. I did not in any way intend for that comment to be snide. I am so ignorant about how non-US sports work, I only learned about relegation a few years ago, for example.

In the US, the pro leagues do not pay the teams based on their final standings. NFL, NBA, MLB. I seriously didn’t know that was a thing in other sports. Sorry if that came across as snide.


Why in fuck are we sending thousands of books to the moon.

Fair… Im willing to appoligise for the comment as I also felt bad after posting it, then deleted it then put it back up.

I was only showing that that was a low amount for transfers compared to the £ coming In to the clubs, not what they receive as a payout system, as the payout system is pretty fair tbh from 1st to last. Average 150 1st to 94 for last. Is a pretty fair system for 20 teams that most if not all them dont even get big crowds/gates or Jersey sales.

My appoligies to you sensible person, I was wrong to react like that. :beers:

I so want to strum my index finger across the tops of the houses like they were keyboards.

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No hard feelings here.

Interesting to hear about how the league works. When I said “this changes everything” I was thinking about how it affects strategy between the teams. I.e., if finishing poorly hurts your bottom line, how that can become a trap and how to avoid it. Although I think you are saying that the figures are not that large compared to the overall team budgets, so maybe that’s not really a factor.

It’s really different than NFL, where there’s a salary cap, and I believe even a system to share profits from the TV deals and merchandise sales between the teams, good and bad, large market and small market.

Not saying either way is better than the other, just different, and affects how the owners run the teams.

I think it’s a bad thing that the first thing I saw when I read his name is that his middle name is Q.

Maricopa county in AZ may be trying to catch palm beach in FL as #1 in the US for sex offenders.

Let’s check in on Kid Meth

Hilariously that guy was the first live (non choral, school, or religious) concert I ever went to. It was some rando high school friends birthday and that’s what his dad bought tickets for. Pretty good live show according to his dad.

Now I think his whole background/story is hilarious. A lot of people would think he’s a traitor to his class… but that would be because everything about him is inauthentic.

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@Jalfrezi Would be better at explaining the structures, if he has the time/energy to do so.
Imo The English Premier league is the most competitive nowadays and is the most exciting to watch because of the uncertainty of the winner (except the last few years because of Man City) but most Top clubs have had a decent run/chance the last few years and that a Low mid table team Leicester won it all (I’m sure they came up a few years before from a lower league) so the money has definitely helped lower clubs no doubt in all aspects of the game, including sports physics/physiology + fitness etc. The Money tends to stay in the top 5 leagues around Europe and cuts out most like Holland/Scotland when transfers are involved, like out player K. TIERNEY who went to Arsenal for £25 mil yesterday who is regarded as a world class player at the age of 22, if he was from the top 5 leagues he would go for at least double.
I’d say the TV money was a biggest factor in making the EPL the most competitive in recent years, and the takeovers from Very rich dudes who do splash some cash around.
Some of the richest men in the world own these clubs, some are in it for the money like Man United and Newcastle Some teams like Arsenal imo run their clubs correctly and some like Man City & Chelsea have spent like mad. :joy:
I’ll probably get some grief for the above though, as football is a murky world indeed. :joy:

Well…Tierney is a good case in point. He’s young and very highly rated but has only played in the Scottish league so his transfer fee was somewhat capped by the uncertainty of how well he will be able to adjust to the much greater tempo, physicality and quality in the premiership (disclosure: I’m an Arsenal fan). If he continues to excel at Arsenal then sure, his value will easily double (Walker went to City for £50M).

There’s no debate about whether or not TV money elevated English league football to be the most competitive in the world. That was the intention in setting up the Premiership, after all.

The football played in some European leagues is sometimes more technically adept than the Premiership, but people around the world tend to watch Premiership games because of the fast and exciting style of football: tiki-taka is technically brilliant but people often find it somewhat tedious to watch.

Re. structures - you covered it pretty well, but there are also parachute payments that teams relegated from the Premiership get to help bridge the gap between high wage bills that are a legacy of their time in the Premiership and much reduced revenue from TV post-relegation.

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What is it about T-Sizzle that makes asshole musicians want to harass her? First Kanye and now Kid Rock running his mouth for no reason.

She has a massive audience. And a much tighter emotional connection than most pop stars with her audience. On this I have a lot of experience. My wife is a massive fan lol.

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Can one of you give me a quick rundown on this transfer fee thing? In US pro sports, there aren’t any league-mandated payments/fees between teams when a player moves from one to another. It’s all about the individual player’s contract with the current team and what kind of deal the current team and the future team come up with. Of course there are also union contracts that factor in (aka Collective Bargaining Agreements) with the player associations.

(Yes I could Google this but I like the conversation.)




I’ve never understood transfer fees in FIFA. Like, I get how they work, I just don’t get why they exist. It seems like the rich teams are just passing the same hundred million euros back and forth.

Also the fact that there’s no salary cap makes it hard to be a fan

Kid Paper >>>>>>>>>>> Kid Rock

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Straight out the trailer.