Summer LC thread

Fuck off


Seems a tad aggressive…

I think he thought you were defending the status quo with the NCAA. I’m assuming you weren’t?

No The FO comment is nothing to do with Cassette… And SP just picked my post out about football for no reasons that I can see… So he got the Football message to fuck off.

This is going to get so bad leading up to 2020. But I’m sure twitter is on it as evidenced by the 6 weeks it takes them to respond to a report of obvious nazi accounts.

I know it’s controversial but I’m 100% OK with doxxing nazi’s. I’m sorry but anonymous speech is one of the worst things about the internet. I’m not afraid of anything I’ve said anywhere on the internet being linked back to me… and I think that’s how it should be for everyone.

It’s not an accident that the really toxic speech is usually done on platforms that supposedly guarantee anonymity. I think you give up all right to privacy when you communicate publicly. People deserve to know what the people they know are saying to the world.


I’m definitely doxxable and try to operate in that way. My Twitter is my real name. I don’t tweet a lot, but I retweet something every few days, usually legal but sometimes I political. I don’t want anonymity removed, but it should be more difficult and not a default. It’s way too exploitable by bad actors.

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I agree completely. I read something a while ago about how in the future people might think we were nuts for allowing “anonymous” posting at the beginning of the internet era.

But who knows, things might get even more anonymous later.

Your post was breaking down how much money Premier League teams raked in and how it got divided amongst the teams, SP said “wait teams get money for where they place?” and then…you decided to make three posts telling them to fuck off?

There was no need for the snide comment so he got 1 back.

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Transit had been free for students in SLC for a while. The bus service was ok. Light rail was popular and expanding.

A rat done bit my sister Nell.
(with tardis on the moon)
Her face and arms began to swell.
(and tardis are on the moon)

I can’t pay no doctor bill.
(but tardis are on the moon)
Ten years from now I’ll be payin’ still.
(while tardis are on the moon)

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We left dozens of bags of poop on the moon so dude on NPR yesterday says tardigrades no big deal.