Summer LC thread

Virulent white supremacist conspiracy theorist and general shitbag Ted Beale (aka Vox Day) makes a very embarrassing math mistake.

“Uncephalized demonstrates why it is tremendously foolish to attempt to “correct” one’s intellectual superiors in taking exception to my observation about it being astronomically unlikely that any individual present at one mass shooting in the United States will be present at another one”

oh no. How embarrassing it would be if you got that math problem you’re “correcting” hilariously wrong:

(warning, this blog is not safe for work or anything else)

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Chapo subreddit quarantined lol

Lol white people. Lol microbet’s hood.

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That kind of thing belongs in Hermosa Beach.

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The emoji clearly improve what is otherwise an incredibly hideous house. I had to check to make sure that wasn’t a back alley or something. Nope. That’s the front of the house.

It is ugly a very ugly $4M house. It was a pretty funky area 50 years ago when the house was built. Ugly McMansion coming whenever it sells.

And it’s only the 3rd or 4th ugliest house on the street. Like, wtf is this?


Lotta ugly buildings and houses from the 60s in SoCal.

A live in self storage unit?

Someone needs a lesson in free speech. Gotta give the nazis and white supremacists the debate floor until the end of time.


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Note the date: May 30, 1975. She certainly knew wtf she was talking about.

Wow Rogan had Bernie Sanders on

The comments on his FB page linking this interview are great. Sad. But also great.

Broke roid users are in a tizzy.

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Surprised Bernie would go on that right wing comedian’s podcast. Weird.

Really thought Joe was going to ask Bernie if he’s tried DMT when Bernie said he didn’t like pot.

no he was pushing a diet of green vegetables, elk meat and bone broth

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You could not pay me to go to Bourbon, take a Riverboat cruise, and go to Harrahs in the same weekend. That’s like the holy trinity of the worst there is here, but if you (rightly) hate that the rest of the city should appeal to you in a big way.

Source: been here 14 years, my entire adult life

Either McMansion (or really just a mansion that’s like 99% the size of the lot, not all mansions are Mc) or a 4 unit apartment building.

I have a client who is a comic-style artist from a fairly wealthy family. I could see him thinking the emoji house is a solid idea.