Summer LC thread

Let’s hope they move to Breitbart’s host next.

In all the arguing against likes on 22 it never occurred to anyone that cheerleading by a fucking mod for there use would be the most annoying part of them. And I don’t mind likes either…


tough to come up with anyone now that Walter Jones died and Amash isn’t a Republican any more. Let alone five.

I was j/K & my fav poster is AOC :joy:


It’s a tough crowd tonight.

It wasn’t the first time…


@kerowo. True… I felt like you the 1st time too :beers::beers:

Does buried under a literal pile of horse shit count as a stable condition?

Lisa Murkowski, Shelley Caputo, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Mitt Romney.

Let’s be honest. Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell are probably the only Senate Republicans I hate more than Rand Paul, but I generally hate libertarians more than I hate religious conservatives.


From the article: ““De-platforming a haven of free speech is not about left or right,” Epik founder Robert Monster wrote in a November 2018 post explaining the decision to welcome Gab as a customer. Monster has been a regular Gab user since then.”


Lololol failed San Diego councilman and self serving idiot who was hosting the afternoon local conservative radio show that comes on after rush and hannity is running to unseat Duncan Hunter. dis gon b gud? Last you may of heard from Demaio he was behind some bullshit like “citizens against government waste” multimillion dollar ballot initiative to repeal the gas tax in California which failed to pass.

Seems like another stiff skydiver8 could beat.

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Great ad

That ad is outstanding.

Looks like the dude she was running against said he isn’t running again just today. Don’t worry, he made sure someone was going to run in his place.

Seems kinda weird to me that in order to make sure a woman is relatable as a candidate and person in 2019 we… need to show her in a kitchen with children.

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Will Hurd (until the end of this term), Adam Kinzinger (Rep from Illinois, came out for background checks today), Lisa Murkowski, Tim Scott, Cory Gardner. Also Joe Manchin and Dianne Feinstein.

“… and soon, a House where they’ll be heard.”

Let’s fucking go. Love these upstart candidate with A+ ads.

Sounds like he was shook. Guess he didn’t want to be evicted.

Well, I think Dems way underplay pro-war votes because like half of them are there for all of them. 95% of the Republicans are there for pro-war votes, but Rand Paul is often not and that makes him better than almost any Republican.