Summer LC thread

To be fair their foundations are ancient. I came from a bbs background and I missed the forum type community when shifting to the internet. Things like web board were not good. But the current phpbb/ vbulletin basis has started when the public internet as we know it was much less than a decade old. We are talking about an engine that is nearing 20 years old with no underlying fundamental restructuring. I have a deep fondness for bbs type software, it’s in my dna. But the world needed to move forward and I think social media killed any chance of a ground up rebuild for phpbb and the like.

I was a tad disappointed with it. And that was pre Katrina. I think for me most of the issue was I wanted more blues and less jazz, but I did really love zydeco and spent many nights watching a few different bands. The food was great and we did explore all over. Bourbon street was the worst part of it imo. There was also an amazing D Day museum.

Been a while since I did any maths. Can anyone help with a problem? I need to solve an equation that has recursion, ie the total cost of a product includes a % royalty and I want to target a margin %, so the equation is

(base cost + (price * royalty %)) * margin = price

I know the base cost the royalty % and the desired margin but that isn’t doesn’t seem like enough information to solve the equation. Is there a way to get a generalised result instead of just iterating every possible price until you reach the correct margin?

I may add a honk Kong protest thread later when I have the time…

Edit: removed post as A separate thread is being asked for…

See previous posts…

definitely don’t go to new orleans then

See previous post…

Kentucky keeps delivering the feebleness

Awesome gig being able to take off a month for a fractured rib that happened more than a year ago


15K people :heart: Rand Paul’s lung damage.

Congress recesses in August every year so this is Rand Paul being a true patriot and waiting to have followup surgery until he already has the time off work. They’re not due back in session until September 9th.

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Here’s hoping both rand and mitch are in a stable condition soon…

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The third paragraph sounds a lot like my experience.

And I don’t remember specifically where I ate, but the food was really good.

Still, with so many great places in the world that I’ve never been and others that I would love to return to, I don’t think that I’ll be going there again anytime soon.

Could just be variance. I was in Venice in August. I’ve been to New Orleans twice - once in the winter and once in the spring. I liked New Orleans.

Rand Paul is a god damned buffoon but he’s basically Borodog with power. Super annoying for sure, and a terrible guy (and stupid). But not even in Mitch’s universe. Mitch is like “bad guy from Schindlers List” evil.

Rand Paul sucks, but if a someone can come up with a list of 5 Republicans they hate less than Rand Paul in Congress, I’d like to see that list.

Come on my man.


Dumped by Cloudflare, 8chan gets back online—then gets kicked off again

So 8chans new host - BitMitigate - in turn gets dumped by it’s host - and takes the Daily Stormer (also at BitMitigate ) with it :rofl:


You hate to see it.

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