Summer LC thread

Most disappointing city in the US is Boston. It just plain sucks.

So like there are two versions of the French Quarter. You’ve got some awesome cocktail bars that close at like 12ish and then you’ve got the debaucherous frat party style Bourbon Street. The second one smells bad, it’s a mess, etc.

This is my first time on Frenchman Street and it’s awesome. And the food all over, if you go to the right places, is amazing. Antoine’s is my favorite. Oldest continuously run family owned restaurant in America. Also, Hansen’s Sno Bliz is great for a cold treat, also family owned and run forever. Those are only two examples, I could list a ton.

But lots of people don’t want the drunken chaos scene with the stench of vomit and girls flashing and touristy drinks, but they go down Bourbon Street late at night anyway (because it’s famous and where you’re “supposed” to go), then they have a bad experience.

People need to spread the word more about the other New Orleans.

Main drawback to my take is that some of those awesome cocktail bars are on Bourbon, so you’ve got to go through some of the stuff you don’t want to get to them.

I haven’t been in years, but I enjoyed it when I was like 22.


Me: I wonder what my Congressman has to say about the news of the day (he offered thoughts and prayers yesterday)?

Congressman: Here’s some random history about a bust of Churchill.

Russian bot:

Me: Huh? . . . oh.

Currently chilling in Seal Beach at a Mexican food place. Kinda digging the area, lease is up and so I may move here (from border of NB/Irvine). Rent for a 2b (bedroom and office) 1/1.5 ba probably 3500/mo. Anyone lived here or near? Sunset beach is another option.

New Orleans is third best city in North America after Montreal and New York.

Across the street if free Shakespeare by the Sea with like 500 people watching. Like 4 bars and 6 restaurants within a block.

Seal Beach is cool. My wife had family who lived there and she spent a lot of time there as a kid. I went there a few times to visit her family before the matriarch who lived there died.

I recently went surfing at Sunset Beach. It was a nice beach. I didn’t really hang around the town much.

I like all those areas along the coast in the Greater LA/OC area. :)

Seems like you can’t go wrong.

Is your district so bad that it can’t beat this guy? He was an absolute clown in the Mueller testimony, and seems like a QAnon follower.

I can’t imagine any startup idea stupider than these things. Oh cool “Bryson” got some kind of knife that he’ll never use.

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He won by 19%. Being a Trump clown is a plus. It’s pretty hopeless. I thing he’s angling to be the next Ratcliffe but at the same time trying to not go quite full racist and his excuse for not voting no on the Trump is a racist referendum was “my plane broke down” so he’s got no shot to gain Trump’s favor.

He was definitely in the top 5 punchable faces in the Judiciary hearing. Bummer that someone can’t implode him in a primary.

Don’t get me wrong, I think they’re stupid, but I get what they’re doing. I think there are a lot of single 25-45 year olds now compared to the past 30-50 years. Lots of us have a decent amount of money, but lack a significant other to spend it with (or on), and lack a significant other to do the same.

So having gifts randomly delivered is probably helping to fill that void for some. Personally, I think it would depress the shit out of me.

That said I also have friends who are married who do it, and for them I think it’s at the intersection of TMM (too much money) and a mid-life crisis that involves boredom and wanting to spice things up in their day to day.

His biggest achievements are winning $10 million in a lottery and being too much of a jerk for the Tea Party. Not my kind of guy.

Adding words, because this site thinks no one should come up with shorthand for being speechless.

Pretty serious band for a small coffeehouse.

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True :+1:

I’m rather sad that my favourite poster on here has not been getting likes as much as some, Infact this is an outrage to me. :unamused: Because this poster has received very few likes & I thought the’d receive the most. Shows what I know/think. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess it’s because this poster has given out no likes at all :rofl: