Summer LC thread

Rooshv is a despicably evil human being. Go check out his site sometime if you want to become despondent.

Kind of an embarrassingly clueless question, but do I need an app to best engage with this forum on my iPhone?

Is that the other guy?

He’s one of the woman-hater guys that inspires a lot of them. Google Patricia’s Smartphone. I refuse to link to it. It’s the only thing I’ve ever read by him and it made me sick.

Someone linked it from an old politics thread like a decade ago. It’s not just dumb, it’s fucking terrifying imo. Incels are killing people. Stuff like Rooshv is what inspires them.

Meanwhile the NYT is publishing Ross Douthat opeds about how we need to be nicer to incels

I mean, legally, you’re right. At least in most states.

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Two pilots have been arrested at Glasgow Airport for allegedly failing a breath test before boarding a flight bound for the US.

The United Airlines pilot, both men aged 45 and 61, have not been charged, but remain in police custody.

They are expected to appear before Paisley Sheriff Court on Tuesday.

Police Scotland confirmed officers were called to the airport at 7.35am, where the pilots were arrested just hours before boarding flight UA162.

Oh man A long weekend in a Paisley Jail :cry: Is something I never want to experience irl. Hopefully the judge just sends them down right there in then.

@all, check out / please post in Are we closer to a consensus on how to brand the site? when you have a minute

I am no more likely to go back to pro boards than I am 22. I too am a bit ruffled by such comments simply as they ring as “prove yourself to us.” I know the work many did, the proof is there.

If people don’t like a particular feature or feel something is missing speak up. The test forums were up for months with very little feedback.

I realize that people just want to discuss and engage, I am the same way. This is by no means an attack on anyone. I just think the bare minimum we owe ourselves and each other is to specifically elaborate issues so they can be potentially addressed. Ggoro and others have been working tirelessly at this.

But anyone who is “threatening” to go back to pro boards should just go all the way back to 22. There will not be a mass exodus back to proboards, I have no doubt about that.

As for discourse realize a lot of very technically knowledgeable people with decades of online community building experience vetted the software. It is different. It is also designed for the future and not a single qualified contributor balked at switching outside of the single concern people might not want to endure a minor learning curve.

This project lives or dies here. Nobody is going back to proboards, well almost nobody. So I suggest we all work together to make this the best community we can.

I don’t love everything about the current site, (layout being biggest) but that is literally iterating daily. Lots not to like about proboards too. If I made a pros and cons list proboard would lose handily.

I just don’t want to see us dividing the community already over a non issue.

There are so many features with discourse we have not even been able to utilize and will,come with growth. One mentioned here is dynamic thread loading. This is great functionality for big events living on a minute to minute news cycle. That is a single example.

Honestly the time to be against discourse has passed. Now is the time to learn how to utilize it, for all of us. I even know we had a poll and the original one was against discourse. Too bad none of those people were interested in helping manage the site and set it up.

Time for debate on this topic is over. We are not the DNC.

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You can’t start new threads in any of the forums so that’s a pretty good bet.

People want to go back? Who?
No thank you.

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I have a lot of friends like this and don’t get it at all. LIke, what is the point of going Dutch with finances in a marriage unless you think the marriage isn’t going to last?

I’m still behind on a lot of discussions as I drive across the country. (New Orleans at the moment, by the way.)

But I want to chime in on Discourse. I was against it initially, and I was lazy about checking out the features. Ultimately I knew I was in no matter which software we used and as one of the prominent voices/leaders in the 2p2 → Exiled move, I didn’t want to influence people too much by taking a strong stance on it.

But suffice to say I hated it for the first little while. In like two hours I loved it. It’s so awesome on mobile, dynamic loading is amazing, and it’s just hands down better than what we had with Pro Boards. I challenge anyone still unhappy with it to give it some time. I think you’ll come around. Did you know you can pick from a bunch of themes? It’s pretty amazing.

At the end of the day, as others have said, this is the way to go - there was ample time to resist it a couple months back and nobody did. Now we’re here, most people think it’s way better, and I can’t imagine going back.

But beyond all that, we’re a great community and I would hate to see us split over forum software of all things lol… So let’s not do that.


lol at going back to either forum, the auto-load of new posts for live threads and being able to paste images straight into posts are killer features by themselves, and other stuff tends to be easier too (embedding tweets for instance). I don’t really have any issues with this software and if I did I’m sure they could be fixed.


The auto-load is much preferable. But it’s harder to find older posts when trying to figure out what is being talked about.

Don’t even think about that’s what she said memeing me, but all I really wanted was width. Long live Wide Screen.

I had my initial

rarr I think previous board is better because of X

But after learning the new board, all those reasons were for naught, and all in on this new board

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Lightning over the Grand Canyon! Almost made me forget about my state of perpetual gloom for a few hours.

I think I need to take a break from politics and news in general - and devote my time to writing my book and other creative pursuits.

I may not be around much for a while. But I’ll be back before the election.