Summer LC thread

I’m pretty sure it won’t be.

Yeah this was good. White laying out exactly my thoughts on free speech. We have to be absolutists on it when it comes to the government (but that doesn’t mean I’m not fine with people getting “deplatformed” or whatever, that’s good with me).

Can’t tell if serious. That’s a date. Regarding the dude paying debt, it’s not even him paying if it’s really a marriage. After THEY are married, THEY pay off THEIR student debt. That’s what marriage is.

Maybe my post should have gone in the hot takes thread.

To old fashioned me, that seems like preparing for divorce when you get married. But also, it’s a recipe for resenting your spouse for mooching. And it also makes it hard to take advantage of sharing, like someone stays home with the kids and that’s not failing to pull their weight.

Not that it matters here, but my wife has never really made much money and I already owned a house before we got married.

To each their own if it works for everyone I guess, but my feeling is it’s less likely to work well unless it’s all pooled.

Dunno who else has seen The Joy Luck Club, but the scene where the husband and wife talk about whether she can have some of his ice cream (carton in the freezer) is on point.

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lol marriage

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I agree with you. But you should read some threads on Bogleheads forum and you would realize that tons of people think differently about finances and marriage than we do. It’s sometimes amazing what people write.

There is obviously loads of good investing advice on that site, but those people are straight up insane when it comes to interpersonal relationships.

The standard advice over there is to leave all your money in a trust with a bank as the trustee, to protect “your” money from your own kids after you die. Insanity.

California handles student loan debt in a funky way. Debts incurred before marriage are separate property unless consolidated, which is standard, but for debts incurred during marriage:

"Reimbursements for Student Loans Paid During Marriage
Generally speaking, student loan debts are assigned to the party who incurred them. The community will usually be reimbursed for community property contributions to the education or training of a party that substantially enhances that party’s earning capacity. However, that reimbursement may be modified or reduced to the extent that the student party can establish that the community estate substantially benefited from the education, training, or loans incurred therefor.

Section 2641 creates a rebuttable presumption that the community has not substantially benefited from community contributions made less than 10 years before commencement of the dissolution or legal separation proceeding."

I don’t think people realize that marriage is the biggest contract they will ever enter into, and they should be aware of the terms and conditions. I’m all for marriage, and for community property, etc., but people should know what the deal is. Many would be surprised.

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Looks like Tulsi has a fan. Also, hot AOC gif and dunk on Liz Cheney.

Except AOC got it wrong, should say multiple generations.

How do people not realize that marriage is the biggest contract they will ever enter into? Like what contract would even be a close 2nd? I mean if there were a contract involved if you had a kid it would be at least tied for first, but other than that…what?

gf <> spouse

People are stupid

Sorry, meant to reply to microbet, re biggest contracts.

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Hopefully Trump will take it to heart.

I know we have married friends that keep their finances separate and each pay half the bills or whatever, but it seems weird. Like if somebody loses their job do you give up the house or does the still employed person keep a running tally of how much the other person owes?

I know it works for some people, but seems odd to me. Like why are you getting married if you aren’t combining your lives?

When my wife and I got married (and we weren’t making much money) everything went in to a joint account and we each had a “distribution” of $100 a month to our personal accounts that we could blow off on whatever we wanted. Everything else came out of the joint account. Would seem odd if one spouse was making $150k a year and the other was making $30k a year and each were contributing the same amount to bills…

Adam Kokesh is on Twitch atm on Destiny’s channel. Lol.

How do I @Trolly? I believe he would enjoy this lol.

Twitch for anyone want to see Lirva’s old favorite personality.