You are making the silly error of assuming your lifestyle is the right lifestyle.
I might have described it like that at some point because it’s easier than saying - “chick I did lots of drugs with, hooked up with every now and then under the influence of said drugs, thought I was in love with for a couple of coke-addled years, and ultimately realized I was in a toxic co-dependent relationship with”.
True love is open and universal, not selfish and jealous.
Who are you talking to? Nothing I said made a value judgment.
edit* beyond the judgment that stability is (empirically, verifiable) “good” for children, where we can take “good” in some mutually agreeable, hand-wavey sense of well-being.
Sorry delayed post. Meant for dod.
I’m trying to put the kids first. Hers too.
I don’t understand how striving for a loving, stable household could be anything but.
It’s not though.
Swingers are typically couples who engage is sex with other partners often at organized events and normally not a part of a long term relationship.
Poly people will often have multiple long term relationships sometimes with multiple people in the same relationship (triad).
Becuse you are making the bigoted assumption a swinger or poly family isn’t doing the same.
Lotta bigots itt then.
Seems it’s people without kids on the other side. Total coincidence.
Again there is zero evidence swinger or poly relationships are less stable.
A couple of guys in the men’s circle thing I went to for a while were into “ethical polyamory” - which sounds so hot!
Were there many jerks in that there circle?
Do the kids watch them bang or what? How would they even know? “Mom and dad’s friends are coming over.”
Sounds a lot like gay people not being able to raise kids right.
Well my daughter knew when dude was chilling on the couch under a blanket with her mom while the man of the house was in the office.
Let’s say there is zero evidence on either side. We still have to make a decision. It seems, then, that we have to go intuitions. Doesn’t it seem intuitively plausible to you that significantly counter-culture lifestyle is less stable than non-counter-culture lifestyle?
Kids figure this stuff out. A college friend was pretty sure her parents were swingers and it grossed her out.
At a minimum, these people are prioritizing their sexuality over their children and family time.
I assume most of them are adrenaline junkies or the sort. They’re chasing that excitement of fresh poon instead of chilling at the park with their kids.
Think about the type of people that do this. Again, the proponents here don’t have kids (not that all here without kids are proponents). Lol at you telling me how these people care about their families so much when they’re traveling in your sex-work circles.
They will figure out they are gay also. Send them to their grandparents’, relatives’, etc. just like any of my friends do when they have parties at their place.
Gay people are awesome, it’s not a choice.