Summer LC thread


Right we should take the word of people who break off their stable, kid-friendly, committed households at a 50% clip.


This sounds like cheating on someone, not swinging.

We don’t even need to go that route. Say it is a choice. So what? Gay people can (of course!) be in stable monogamous relationships.

This is about having a long-term, stable bond between parents and children. Polyamorous relationships with 3, 4, 5… parents have less stability, by definition.

He was well aware.

I’m just talking about the time I came by and they were literally under a blanket when they greeted me. Dude was upstairs and came down to partake in the bizarre conversation.

Hippie communes of the 60s/70s seem like a great example of kids having multiple “dads” or “moms” in their lives. Not sure how fucked up it made them but I can only imagine it depends on what the world around them tell them is right/wrong.

Pretty sure the difference between swinging and polyamory is that swinging is kind of hot.

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Well our hour’s up but I feel like we made some real progress today. Let’s pick up again right here next week. :D


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Every girl I know who grew up in this kind of environment got some degree of molested by intoxicated older men. The 70s was a fun time to be a kid, but also a fucking minefield.

I know a lot of people directly tied to the Rainbow Family and while I’m sure that has happened, none have ever said anything like that. That’s not really the point of our convo about swinging messing up kids though.

Why would having more than two parents be less stable?

Too many opportunities to ask a different parent after one says no, ldo.

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TWC in the house!

Remember reading about a tribe in south America a while back that were basically swingers until the missionary’s set them straight.

Lots is cultures are like this. It is also way more common for kids to be “raised by the village” than our two person model.

There’s an ethnic minority group in China where the women basically sleep with whomever they want on any given day. The men come calling to their windows at night (literally) and they may or may not pick one to let in for the night.

The Mosuo people are known as the ‘Kingdom of Women’ because the Na are a matrilineal society: heterosexual activity occurs only by mutual consent and mostly through the custom of the secret nocturnal ‘visit’;[2] men and women are free to have multiple partners,[2] and to initiate or break off relationships when they please.

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Or sent off to “apprentice” with Spartan warriors.

Clovis is the anthropologist, but from my laymen’s interest it seems like lots, maybe a strong majority, of non-industrialized/pre-industrial/4th world (don’t really know what to call them) societies have children attached to the mother and the men more or less coming and going - serial monogamy or polyamory.