Summer LC thread

I have a 4669201 IQ come at me Sklansky

one of you fucking nerds will probably immediately recognize that number

An article that may appeal to a lot…

In an a-peel of a case that could have slippery implications, a federal court ruled on Thursday a banana costume may be protected by copyright law.

A full-body banana costume sold by the Arizona product manufacturer Kangaroo Manufacturing Inc may be too similar to one originally sold by the New Jersey costumer Rasta Imposta, the district judge Mitchell S Goldberg of the eastern district of Pennsylvania said in an opinion.

Most detailed ever 3D map of Milky Way shows ‘warped’ shape

The most detailed three-dimensional map yet of the Milky Way has been revealed, showing that our galaxy is not a flat disc but has a “warped” shape like a fascinator hat or a vinyl record that has been left in the sun.

“The stars 60,000 light years away from the Milky Way’s centre are as far as 4,500 [light years] above or below the galactic plane – this is a big percentage,” said Dr Dorota Skowron of the University of Warsaw, first author of the latest research.

US election jurisdictions with histories of egregious voter discrimination have been purging voter rolls at a rate 40% beyond the national average, according to a watchdog report released Thursday.

Activists say new Tennessee law aims to suppress African American votes
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At least 17 million voters were purged nationwide between 2016 and 2018, according to a study by the Brennan Center for Justice. The number was basically unchanged from the previous two-year period.

While the rate of voter purges elsewhere has declined slowly, jurisdictions released from federal oversight by a watershed 2013 supreme court ruling had purge rates “significantly higher” than jurisdictions not previously subjected to oversight, the Brennan Center found in a previous report.

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Private companies had near-complete control over Georgia’s elections for the 2018 midterms and posed a serious security risk, according to testimony and documents revealed during a federal court case challenging the constitutionality of Georgia’s elections.

The state does not have any means of ensuring the necessary security protocols of the vendor
David Cross, attorney
The most maligned components of Georgia’s election systems – voting machines and online voter registration – were almost entirely managed by private companies, prompting concerns from election security experts.

Voting machine company Elections Systems and Software (ES&S), which has close connections with the Georgia secretary of state’s office and Governor Brian Kemp’s staff, had three staff in Georgia building electronic ballots out of their homes through the 2018 midterms.

One simple trick to paying off your student loans!


There’s no chance that Kemp guy won enough votes to avoid a runoff. On the day of that election, I said ‘if it doesn’t go to a runoff it’s rigged’. So, it was clearly a rigged election. Dude had to get above 50 percent of the vote I think, and there was a near zero chance of that happening in the run up.

What made that night interesting in Georgia was Lucy McBath’s seat (sorry Lucy). In late returns she was down by a few hundred votes, but within a recount margin. Magically at the very end she surged enough to win just outside the recount margin. My conspiracy thinking is that they gave her that seat to avoid opening up the no paper ballot machines.

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Google has it as either a home in Greenland, NH or the google patent of the Ski Boot.

So, Vox, and The Guardian. Any other news staffs that need guillotine help?

your Tri Lambda membership has been revoked

Georgia is straight up rigged.

I don’t have any halfway decent taco places near me, Ohio sucks. Netflix has a cool documentary on tacos:

Supreme Court will be fine with this obviously

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Be the tacos you want to see in the world.

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Fast food thread incoming.


I stormed out of a McDonalds earlier this week because they didn’t have any registers operated by humans and tried to force me to use a kiosk instead.

I might have yelled something about management providing people with real jobs like a crazy person who disrupts the lunch of normal people who just want some McNuggets too.

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A family donated a dead elderly woman’s body to scientific research, on the understanding it was going to be used for Alzheimer’s research. Instead it was sold to the US army and blown up in explosives research.

Am I a bad person if I find this like… 5% disgusting and 95% hilarious?