Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

In Rochester? WTF? MrsWookie bought a house there for under 6 figures, like, not that long ago.

It’s the two buttons meme with the sweating guy in the Maga hat deciding between “Cancel culture run amok!” and “Fuck Hollywood liberal elites!”


Planet Money had a mini podcast on that this week, ldo quoting a Serious Ohio Business Owner who blamed the Government Assistance for people not wanting to work at his casino (and not, like, not wanting to work in a goddamn casino during an ongoing pandemic that local governments like Ohio’s have no interest in stopping). I was pleasantly surprised when they cut to an economist afterwards who said, basically, “there is zero evidence that unemployment assistance is keeping people from work; in fact, most signs point to pandemic fear.” But keep fucking that chicken, conservatives.


Some classic Lucille Bluth though.

Yeah I didn’t even realize that was her until I looked it up. Crazy.

Had a case that hit hard.

Older woman, but still functional and living on her own, came in without a pulse by private vehicle driven by her husband. She had a pulse as she came into triage, but didn’t when she got there. Story was that she had some chest pain and wasn’t feeling well.

These are some of the hardest situations. When codes come in by ambulance, you get a heads up, time to lay out your equipment, assign roles, etc. When it comes in like this, it’s a fucking hot mess in the beginning while you try to do 10 things at once. I’m the closest doctor to the front so I hear about it first and run in from another patient room.

We call for help but it’s going to take some time for the calvary to arrive. Priority in this situation is:

  1. Chest compressions
  2. Connecting pads for possible shocks
  3. Running the code
  4. Airway support
  5. IV access
  6. Fancy stuff

A tech starts compressions, a nurse starts connecting pads, a nurse starts bagging. My job is to run the code.

My job at this point is to direct people to a job as they come in. Calvary arrives and we start getting things done.

  • Pads on → Pulse check → Ventricular fibrillation on the monitor → Clear/Shock → Compressions
  • Anesthesia tubes, get an end tidal carbon dioxide → lets me monitor lots of fancy stuff including if we’re doing good compressions, pulses are back, etc
  • IV placed, IO (think an IV that goes into the bone placed), → epinephrine/amiodarone/magnesium/bicarb/calcium

We get her back a few times, but we get her back for more than a moment or two after ~15 minutes and 5 shocks.

Sounds good right? Well, not really. The monitor shows her heart is beating in a way that isn’t sustainable. Her heart is dying but it’s not quite dead yet. It’s time for fancy drips, but we don’t have good enough access. Slap a fancy central line into the femoral vein in 2 minutes with no regards to sterility, only point is to do it as quickly as possible. Fancy drips started… and she loses pulses again.

The brutal cycle starts: compressions, shock, pulses for a few moments, crash.

I do this for 45 minutes. That’s too long. I only do this because we keep getting her back for brief moments. I’m updating the husband just outside the door. We stop getting pulses back. I’m about to call it. I talk to the husband about what she’d want, and he agrees it’s time.

We stop compressions, and I’m about to call it… AND HOLY SHIT IS SHE MOVING HER ARMS?

I’m baffled. I check everything twice. I bring the husband in and he holds her arm and says that he loves her. She grips his hand for a moment or two… and her heart stops again. She goes limp. Continue on for another 10 minutes with shocks but she’s not coming back even briefly anymore. We call the code.

Seems like she just wanted to say good-bye. They’d been married for basically their whole lives. I felt awful the entire resuscitation as it felt like I was torturing her on her way out. Hopefully I got her what she needed.


Nope, have to get offer accepted and then get your own inspector. Don’t get to pull your offer because of the inspection, and you have to get the inspection yourself. Supposedly if there’s something insanely wrong you can get out of it, but I think it can be fought. You would lose your deposit

Jesus Christ. We are really going to paint millions of small business owners as monsters because a few stupid ones are putting up signs.

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Only the Boomer ones.


Not painting huge swaths of the population with stereotypes is progressive 101!

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Keeping the message simple and unnuanced is Politics 101.


All Mexicans are rapists is a simple too.

If saying all Mexicans are rapists would shut Republicans out of government, I would happily proclaim that all Mexicans are rapists.

You’ve lost the plot. Completely.

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I might be willing to compromise with an incrementalist claim that not all Mexicans are rapists, just most of them.

Sure but they’re not as bad as Albertans AMIRITE.

Oh that’s Barry. I had a beer with him the other day.


Former HUD Secretary thinks the average home price in Brooklyn is $100,000. He went to Dalton, Harvard and Harvard, btw.

I’m not surprised at the ignorance but this does raise the question of where this person is living and who is paying for it. Like if you have a home that you paid for yourself you’d have to know that the price is way higher than that.

Other possibility here is someone at one point showed him the average annual earnings required to afford rent in Brooklyn and hes got that number all mixed up in his head with home prices

it’s a banana, what could it cost, $0.001?