Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell



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Inflation 0.1% below estimates. Time to stonk?

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Bonds go bust :frowning:

thinking about selling my coinbase stock then see cathie wood did so I guess I’ll just hang on

also forgot to put enough in to get rich again sigh

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I present an NFT created by a BBBYQ investor:

The guy on the tracks represents hedge funds that are short the stonk. I think the redacted is Teddy Holdings (holder of, which BBBYQ investors believe will be publicly traded and that their BBBYQ shares will convert to Teddy shares. Icahn Enterprises is involved because there was some mention of China–an anagram of Icahn–which could only mean that Carl Icahn is buying out BBBY. Idk how Blockbuster ties in.

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Well now it’s official: BBBYQ shareholders will receive $0 per share, as everyone not in the cult already knew.

BBBYQ shareholders’ response: “ThiS iS BuLLiSh aKsHuaLLy”

Similar to when they were saying, “Chapter 11 isn’t bankruptcy, it’s bankruptcy protection, as in protection from bankruptcy.” (They later pivoted to, “Bankruptcy is bullish!”)

There are still people buying shares and the market cap is 240M.


Waiting for LMAOWTFBBQ shares to drop


This is all so amazing–did people really say this? I would love to meet some of this people in person, because I can’t believe they’re real.

They did! The TLDR is that mental illness is a real thing and that’s what these people have.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if a poster is serious or just trying to unload their bags, but usually it’s clear from their comment history that they’re real. Either way, posts/comments like that are heavily upvoted and you later see others repeating those talking points.

Just about every time a meme pump-and-dump happens, the bagholders form a cult and each ticker’s cult is basically the same, consisting of QAnon-type theories. They’ve been compared to Sovereign Citizens, who twist language to form an alternate interpretation of the law while apes form an alternate idea of how markets operate:

Shorts covered but they didn't close.
It's not a stock split, it's a dividend.
Your shares are synthetic until you direct register them.

As with all cults, dissenting opinions aren’t welcome, so if you say something at all rational/bearish in those subreddits you’re likely to get banned or accused of being a (((hedgie shill))).

Exactly zero of their many predictions have been right, but they effortlessly move the goalposts every time and the cult lives on. I think even after BBBYQ / AMCQ / GMEQ shares cease to exist, there will be people who believe a windfall is coming their way eventually. At the very least, they’ll blame their lack of lambos on crimes by the lizard cabal rather than accept that they were suckered into a bad investment.

Anecdotally, ITT I mentioned an IRL friend who believes GME is worth $10,000/share on fundamentals. He’s suffering from a mental illness that he unfortunately mistakes for a mysterious physical one that doctors can’t identify, so he has turned to alternative medicines such as coffee enemas and anti-malarial herbs.

I know a couple people IRL who are otherwise sane but have fallen for some of the ape rhetoric. One is a smart kid I see at wrestling practice occasionally. He graduated from UCLA and now works as an analyst for Morgan Stanley. He knows GME has poor fundamentals but he’s invested “in case the apes lock the float”. Furthermore, he direct registered his shares because something something you don’t really own your shares unless you DRS.

The other is a poker dealer invested in AMC because he believes shares are undervalued due to rampant naked shorting. When I pointed out that the market cap is higher than it was pre-pandemic despite AMC burning cash at an accelerating rate for like 15 straight quarters, he said the real market cap is lower than reported (I guess because it’s inflated by fake shares).


Right on cue:

Guy being interviewed sold his car and other things to buy more BBBYQ shares two days ago. He’s telling his family and strangers at the mall about the stonk.

kind of getting ahead of yourself there

Not by much in the case of AMC. On Friday, the court blocked their attempt to issue more shares. Over the weekend, their CEO wrote a letter to shareholders saying AMC needs cash badly or they’re likely to run out in 2024-2025. They’re in debt, they have 500M in cash, they’re losing 30-40M per quarter and now there’s a Hollywood strike on top of that.

There are, however, two glimmers of hope for AMC:

  • A two-week-old blog said Amazon might buy them out.
  • AMC owns large a stake in a junior gold miner, which could hit the jackpot at any time.

Counterpoint: stonks.




Biden is crushing the economy and unlike Obama he’s crushing foreign policy too… he must be really popular in the US.


I’m never going to not love Obama, and he’s the guy I’d rather hang out with. But it’s hard to argue that Biden’s not the better president in terms of actual accomplishments.

Go Blue Hens

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6 months later, story checks out. Fed seems to be navigating this prettay prettay well.

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Are you trying to Riverman us?