Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell


Maybe Alexa is doomed to fail but there have to be ways to generate revenue

For me Amazon Prime has gone from great value to maybe not worth it. That’s because the core shopping experience has gotten much worse. Between promoted products and junk on the first page, I can’t find what I want. Even when I know exactly what I’m looking for and perfect search terms. So it’s no longer my default for shopping, instead it’s become a last resort.


For me the main value proposition is the streaming. Is there some plan where you can get streaming only without the other stuff.

It’s basically a flea market now. Didn’t renew this year due to that and the higher cost, and don’t miss it.

They’d still be competing with Microsoft and Apple with Cortana and Siri and such - and both of those companies hold an edge over them, imo. It’s not like they can burn money while driving Barnes and Noble out business to profit later on.

I was thinking about businesses I could try to start to create passive income and it just seems pointless/impossible. Any good idea I could come up with was basically a scam and I came up with about 50 scams that could make me easy money whereas I am certain that any legit business idea I came up with fail 90% of the time.



We really should have done something to make money on this, was so freaking obvious.

Bad private jobs data, the cracks in employment are starting to show.

127K vs 190K estimate and more than 100% of the increase driven by leisure and hospitality. Manufacturing jobs -100K.

Fed finally starting to work its magic.

I did! But as I noted here:


You know what Warren Buffett always says: Wait patiently until you have a buy/short that you absolutely know is a home run, put a small-to-medium amount of money into it, and then quickly exit as soon as you make the smallest profit.


Actual LOL


Gee, no idea why we all don’t just short any asset we think is overvalued. Free money!

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LOLOLOL you could instantly tell he had no idea what Upstart does.

The answer is even better:

AI Lending!

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Second derivative is going down! Between this and crushing the rail unions today’s a good day for stonking!

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Just a 2.5% move in S+P’s off of the Fed Chairman Speech.

Tooooootally normal market we’ve got here.

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VOO +3% today :thinking: layoffs are good obv

My whole division is taking lack of business downtime and has been since October. Our plant hasn’t had lack of business downtime since winter 2009. Right now we’re working 10 and 4, ten days running and four days shut down. Our division is packaging and industrial tubes and cores, pretty well tied to a broad base of economic activity. Orders just fell off a cliff in September, a month earlier we had our capital outage cut short because we were behind on orders, then literally weeks later they shut us down for lack of business.

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We’ve had a large backlog all year but it is starting to come down the past few weeks. Metal finishing company, our primary customers are in consumer goods, automotive, agriculture, electronics, aerospace and military.

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Yeah im not optimistic for what job numbers are going to look like in 2023.

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The Fed is actively trying to crush workers (or “cool an overheated labor market” in polite terms). Bad jobs numbers and wage suppression is the goal