The TSLA Market / Economy

My friend got his bank account drained into coinbase and then his coinbase account drained. So there’s one less risk.

Someone walked into a T-mobile store and had his number switched to a new phone.

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every day I am checking the price and it’s dipping. every day, check price, bad price.


Trying to imagine seeing this headline in 2019:


Bloodbath. Maybe worst day since early COVID.


You know what Warren Buffett always says: Wait patiently until you have a buy/short that you absolutely know is a home run, put a small-to-medium amount of money into it, and then quickly exit as soon as you make the smallest profit.


It is a worthless company that still has a market cap of $28 billion! You can still make a ton of money!

The market was a lot happier when it thought Ukraine was going to roll over.

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It’s almost definitely true that if Russia had crushed Ukraine in 48 hours the market would be higher.

Does it actually seem plausible to anyone that a crashing stock market will not be very bad for cryptocurrency? When people flee to safety they’re not buying freaking Dogecoin or whatever.

seems like the time to buy da dip

I’ve been assured that Crypto is good in bear markets.

I’ve also been assured that Crypto is good in bull markets.

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In uncertain times there’s a move away from government fiat to hard assets - gold, real estate, and Dogecoin.


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Initially, no, seems very unlikely the first response isnt just a dust off of crypto. Longer-term, more complex.

I put in a buy for both of our full iras about 24 hours ago

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The way I see it, we either end up with nuclear war and I’m dead or there is a big rebound at some point in the future. May as well buy, in the downside scenario I’m not alive.


Given your investment thesis, it seems prudent to diversify your holdings with a fully stocked nuclear bunker.

Is it really the downside scenario though, compared to continuing to deal with this shit?