The TSLA Market / Economy

Not rich enough! But I will never not laugh at these assholes. Hey dipshit 50+ rich guy, your computer screen dollars aren’t going to do shit for you in Armageddon:

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Maybe if we all pooled our money we could buy a shed in Montana or something.

Yep, should assume China will kick us out of their markets too at some point in our lifetimes.

Stocks aren’t tanking because of armageddon risk, they are tanking because they are still priced close to perfection and the specter of a nasty bout of stagflation/‘22 recession is becoming more of the base case by the day.

I don’t see this as a buy because if you are wrong you are dead case. We have given back 2021 but haven’t even given back 2020 gains yet. Long long way to go before the markets are on sale and downside is capped.


Could be wrong here, but isn’t pretty much everyone thinks timing the market is a fools errand and we’re just shooting the shit? Same amount of my paycheck goes to the market as every other month.

This is probably the best approach with your money, but even you just keep saving and investing some people just like to speculate on the market anyway.

Yes. Im not saying sell everything or stop
your regular way buys. I’m saying this isn’t either buying is right or the world ends.


gold over 2k now

shiny rock, shiny rock, shiny rock

stonks go down shiny rock go up


also coming from crypto it’s hliarious some people out there are going the sky is falling on a 2% decline in a day


Yeah, if it’s bunkers and 50 Cals this time around at a 10% drop, I’d hate to imagine what folks start doing when we go back to 2016 levels.


Futures drilling.

If this shit continues Buffett is going to make a killing putting that $150 billion of cash to work. What a champ sitting on the sidelines for a full freaking decade waiting.

if he was a true champ he would have had it all in the market and sold the top to buy back in lower tho

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futures seem flat

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it makes me sad that VXUS (total intl) has done a round trip from june 2014 to present (dividends excluded).

This is quite the chart.

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Hahah wow I forgot the negative oil time during covid.


I’m telling you people claiming he’s lost his touch is a very strong signal that a bear market is imminent.

That was amazing - for around 24 hours I was like, “I am going to learn every single aspect of oil logistics, how futures are priced, and how delivery occurs.” I even bought this book (I think on @bobman0330’s recommendation):

[spoiler: I have not read one page of it]


I remember joking around somewhere on the net wishing we had tankers, of course I didn’t buy an oil stock like XOM which should’ve been safe from going busto.