Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

That’s super annoying. I have both Vanguard and fidelity and the latter is just way better when it comes to the web site functionality and customer support.

Separately, my sister just got laid off from a previously high flying startup that was supposed to go public but scrapped it when the IPO market died. She had a bunch of restricted stock, anyone know what typically happens? Does she get cashed out and at what price?

Experts say the 0% capital gains bracket can be a “really good” tax-planning opportunity.

Christ, can we all just agree that the streaming wars are a huge mistake for both consumers and content owners, and just go back to everyone happily licensing their content to Netflix?

Yeah I mean if I basically can’t get away from involuntarily shipping a bunch of money to Fox News let’s just get on with it and go back to the mega bundle.

Going back would probably involve everyone licensing their content to cable companies with a hybrid cable/streaming package.

The streaming landscape has turned out to be what I predicted the desire for a la carte TV consumption would look like.

People sometimes think this is too good to be true, especially since the wash sale rule doesn’t apply if you’re harvesting gains (as opposed to losses). Especially helpful for early retirees with low income and significant unrealized gains.

I used to open a new TIRA for the back door every year for a few years. So doing that is fine, but annoying. Unless something has changed.

@SenorKeeed , shit like this is why Vanguard is not great as a brokerage. Of course, their financial products are still good.

I mean I’ve never said that Vanguard is a good brokerage. I said I have an attachment and loyalty to Vanguard because of what they’ve done for the consumers of financial products: single handedly saved ordinary investors tens of billions of dollars in fees. That’s more money in people’s pockets and less in Wall Street’s pockets. I haven’t run into any headaches with Vanguard because my investing needs are simpler than many, if they get more complex I might have a different experience.

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I guess I was confused, because I was making a point that Vanguard was not a good brokerage and you seemed to disagree with that. But if we’re on the same page there, then that’s great.

Also, as I mentioned earlier, if you really want to help Vanguard, arguably you should just hold your Vanguard funds somewhere else. You would still paying them their vig, but you’re not taking anything from them by using an account that is free to you, but costs them something to provide.

John Vanguard, long may he live


My recollection is that you said Vanguard’s interface is unusable or something like that. If I took issue with that I’d have probably said that I’ve been automatically buying Vanguard mutual funds using my Vanguard account for many years and never had any sort of problem or issue. Maybe other platforms are better but Vanguard is more than good enough for me. Like I spend ten minutes a year doing stuff on Vanguard, do I really need to get it down to five minutes per year with a slicker interface? Not really.

That was one problem. The interface is worse than those of it’s main competitors. Not literally unusable, but just not as good as the other much more user-friendly options out there.

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LOL DoorDash.

Couldn’t resist - back in with a small short position at 70.80.


Lol lose money on every sale but make it up with volume!


Hot take incoming

Current streaming setup options are not too bad. I don’t get EVERYTHING but I get stuff my kids like on Netflix and Disney+ and I can buy HBO+ for a couple months a year and binge all the awesome shows that I’ve missed. It doesn’t cost that much to do that, I’m probably in for $300 per year which is way better than when I paid for cable TV years ago.

There’s also way more decent shows out there than in the past even if they are split across many platforms (or maybe I am just behind on some awesome stuff that came out a few years ago).

I guess I’ve never seen a few things on my ‘to watch’ list because they’re on other platforms but don’t really feel like I’m missing out. An reasonable option to buy NFL games directly from NFL is still missing and I’m not too enthused about their online model. I don’t want the whole game pass, just let me buy a package that has all of my favorite team’s games for the year and nothing else for like $5 a game and they’d get my money.


Next fall it should happen. Will be available through YouTubetv. Pricing tba

(free link)

That’s gotta be entirely from keeping the minimum wage the same for what, 25 years? Oh wow muh percentage gains

I wonder if there is a reason they didn’t show those graphs in dollars.