Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

19,000 to 41.25, I’ll never retire at this rate


Up another 500 today to close above 42K

Thanks. This gives me a starting point at least. Another thing I’d like to point out (although I’m not sure how impactful it actually was), is that Biden got no help during transition because Trump left like a crying little toddler when he lost

I was surprised when I actually looked at the numbers that the stock market went up a higher % in Trump’s years in office that (so far) during Biden’s. It feels like we’ve been on such a tear recently, but I guess we essentially have been for 10 years. I would have guessed the COVID pullback would have really impact the aggregate returns. It’s about 69% to 49% (and that includes today’s gains).

That’s a great point when arguing with someone like that. I’d never make that argument in good faith, because we all know that Biden knew that any transition help from Trump would be useless. Trump’s admin was a complete shitshow. But it’s also impossible for your opponent to refute without conceding something worse.

Your approach should not be to “prove” that the economy was good/bad during whatever time frame. Just ask him how he determines what the state of the economy is at any given point in time. Do it with a detached sense of curiosity, and keep pulling on that thread.

As you’ll see from the “arguing about whether the economy is good or bad” thread on this forum, there isn’t really any argument in favor of the economy being worse in 2024 than 2019 that doesn’t rely on some combination of:

  1. vibes
  2. deciding that certain government statistics that counter your argument are fake while the ones that support it are real
  3. zooming way in on one metric (e.g. housing) and equating that to “the economy”

Well spotted. The rest of us just skimmed over it.

Your 2 and 3 seem similar. But yeah!

Vibes is real big! So many randos just repeating “zomg, everything’s so expensive!”.

Number 2 is the phenomenon of “TRUE inflation is much higher than CPI because reasons I made up, but also here’s a report from BLS showing weak job growth that should be taken as accurate.”

I have no clue what that graphic is trying to say because I don’t see any anchors

That brain angry.

What does?

Oh, that graphic. All red, arrows in different directions…

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Yeah thankfully I didn’t get involved, only because I was too tied up in other positions. My miscalculation was failing to account for the bulls sitting on the sidelines for the earnings report because they had been rugpulled by previous ones. When the earnings call didn’t have news of a delayed launch or more dilution, everyone felt safe to jump back in. (As it turns out, more dilution did happen shortly thereafter, and the launch was a sell-the-news event, so bearish bets would have profited if timed after earnings or, more safely, the day before launch.)

Also in general it’s a bad idea to be short any ticker a few days/weeks from a hype date, ie one should buy the rumor not sell it. For this reason, right now my TSLA short is much smaller and I’ll wait til at least Oct 10 to add back into it. Normally I wouldn’t be short at all in this situation, but there’s a small chance TSLA could crash or be SEC-halted on any given day, and it would be a near lock to happen the moment I closed my short (just like with Tingo lol)

WMT maybe the best stonk on earth at this point. It just keeps printing money for its holdlers


Costco has outperformed WMT in the 1yr, 5yr, 10yr, 25yr, has better products, far more favorable working conditions, better return policies, still repping $1.50 hotdogs and doesn’t lock their shit up.


And don’t forget the all-important membership fee revenue.

Well the Executive membership is $130 a year and they cut you a check for 2% of total purchases so you breakeven at $540 a month. We spend around $800 a month just on food. Costco is certainly a little cultish - probably partly due to their membership rewards system but fuck walmart if I had to choose between them.

I went years in between visits to Walmart (I’m no snob; it was where I did like 100% of my shopping for the vast majority of my life) and was in there last week and just waiting a half hour pressing the button to get someone to open the door to get a HUGE bulky item that cost $10

And then going another half hour walking trying to find someone, and asking employees who literally said no

Then I found that the item was also in an open clearance bin, as I was leaving the store. It took me a bit to wrestle with my pride about buying it and giving them my money. And then I waited another half hour in line to check out

I have no idea how they’re still open