Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell


I don’t know if he is serious or not. Anyone who made money off of Dogecoin should have run as far away as possible fast as possible and cashed that shit out.

It’s a joke about founders walking away from some useless thing they created.

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Things are starting to feel a bit frothy. But in general they don’t feel as psychotic as 1999 or 2006 yet.


Whoo Hoo! Finally made $11 on NANC, here’s hoping she ups the insider trading soon so I can get to the moon!

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:thinking: Forget the Inverse Cramer, has anyone made the Inverse Elon ETF yet?

Yep! Just buy a TSLA bear etf and you’re all set, there are several now.

I will look into that, but it also doesn’t encompass the full dumbassery of Elon! It would definitely be volatile but I’d put a few units into it.

I just noticed that both my European/Japan and my Emerging Market ETFs jumped 3% in the past 24 hours.

I guess China recently stated their plans to bust out their checkbook and fund lots of shiny new projects.

This seems like a terrible take?

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Lol no one will need to learn a foreign language in a few years thanks to advances in AI

But maybe it will make Duo even more efficient at tracking you down to make sure you don’t break your streak


I want to be able to have conversations with people, not just ask for directions.

Although I guess the idea is we’ll both have some kind of AI earpiece translating for us? That actually is the best use of AI I can think of. So of course it will never happen.

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Yea I’m sure we’re not as close to that reality as the tech bros make it seem but it’s gonna be here soon enough

I still think learning languages is fun and worthwhile but it won’t be necessary

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When I saw that tweet I imagined that in the not too distant future we’ll have AI tutors to teach us any language better than any existing curriculum.

There are already devices that you can speak into in your native language that spit out a reasonably good voice translation in the target language. See this used here and there by tourists in Japan. And I’m sure this tech will only improve rapidly moving forward.


I find myself agreeing?

I’ll just tell my mother law that I speak to in Filipino that it’s all pointless because we will just get the AI to solve it for us as we raise a child in two languages.

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Yeah. I expect more people will learn languages, rather than fewer.

An AI language coach helping you learn. Sure.

AI replacing people’s urge to deeply communicate with others across the language barrier? I’m think that probably post AGI, not something that chatGPT or a successor will be able to deliver.

Then sounds like Duolingo might be in a great position for this future. I agree 100% BTW. Like the earpiece, even when it exists will have a horrible lag and data privacy issues, and quality issues, and all sorts of legal caveats that it can’t be used for X, Y, Z (e.g. can’t be used for discussing medical information with a patient, can’t be used for legally binding verbal agreements, etc.)

Trying to picture myself on Teams or Zoom calls listening to someone ramble in Japanese then everyone being quiet for a 5 second lag while a computer voice outputs a translation in English. Sounds excruciating.