Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

Is that chart with dividends reinvested or not?

No we’re gonna do infinite growth


Isn’t it always assumed unless explicitly stated otherwise, or did i imagine overhearing that once in a finance class?

Idk. I was just messing with Melk. I love to answer “probably” to either/or questions

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Amazing that JPM is like the best-performing major bank ytd and run by such a massive permabear.

I need a boyfriend


Viewing those real returns on a log scale graph makes the early swongs stand out and also accentuates that the heater has actually been cookin since about July 1982


Anyone know what this is about? They had one good earnings report and it’s mooning. Retail supposed to be dead

They tore down the Children’s Place in my neighborhood for condos

Jamie Dimon is a weird case, he’s obviously an exceptional manager but he simply has no idea what he’s talking about on macroeconomics.

Do you think he wants (or would be good at) a cabinet position like Secretary of the Treasury?

I’ve heard his name floated on a few podcasts.

I think his resume, and JPM’s success, speaks for itself. But every time I hear the guy talk, I wonder about his motivations.

I don’t think he wants any other job.

Managing a massive organization requires a totally different skill set than predicting the economy. He just seems really good at the former and really bad at the latter.


Rather treasury secretary than anywhere near the Fed chair gig


priced in

Still think we’re going to end the day very not stonks after the initial post-news stonking

the talk about 50bps cut again before the end of the year will be stonks rising.

Trump meltdown over the rate cut should be delicious.

Tough L for efficient market theory this afternoon.