Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

New CNBC hate read just dropped.

The article says her side hustle makes 45k over the last year but doesn’t include any figures between 2017 when she started the business and April 2023? hmmm I wonder why???

It took her 7 years working on a business of buying, washing, posting, and shipping out used $30 plus sized bras to finally earn 45k

And this business with 1700 different items currently for sale only takes 3-4 hours of work a day, I do not believe this.


I’m curious about people’s investments

Which best describes your investment in stocks?
  • Don’t own any stocks or mutual funds containing stocks
  • Own mutual funds but no individual stocks
  • Own individual stocks (and maybe also mutual funds)
  • Have short positions and/or derivatives (calls, puts, etc.)
0 voters

For the purpose of this poll, you can ignore any stock you own in your employer.

I voted “own mutual funds” on the assumption that includes ETFs. In Canada we tend to talk about mutual funds and ETFs separately, mostly because “mutual funds” carries a deserved reputation for being mostly high cost products offered through banks and insurers to investors that don’t know any better.

Yes, mutual funds was meant to include ETFs. I think they are basically synonymous in the U.S. outside of the financial industry.

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I feel like actively managed mutual funds belong in the same bucket as shorts and weird derivatives. Take the normal thing (stocks/index funds), then add a counterparty specifically trying to figure out additional ways to screw you in ways you won’t notice.

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I have retirement and 529 accounts that are purely in index / target date funds, and then have a post tax brokerage account that I use to trade individual stocks or options or whatever I want to gamble on. I would never do the latter as a core investment strategy or with money that was essential to my life goals

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I just inherited some mutual funds and individual stocks from my uncle and intend to get rid of most of them and buy ETFs instead. My personal investment strategy has been paying down my mortgage.

He also left me some weird investment into two funds investing in a plane or something, which has obviously recently gone broke. Old people get grifted allmover the world…

This pretty closely describes me, probably with even less gambling. My actual portfolio is 100% vanguard ETFs (401k and IRA). My brokerage and crypto accounts represent my gambling budget, and combined are less than 10% of the total. Probably closer to 5%.

They’d be even smaller as a % if I wasn’t so heavy in cash right now, trying to make a down payment on a house within the next 6 months. Fuck this housing market.

how does Peloton the company compare to Zwift?

I don’t know anything at all about Zwift, other than I was recently reading about a sexy new treadmill that has cool integration with Zwift.

Posting mainly because this treadmill seems so cool, not because it’s stonks-related.

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I guess I’d pick the third one. I haven’t bought significant individual stonks in over 10 yrs. It’s mostly mutual funds these days. But individual stonks are a yuge percentage of portfolio since I ran like the fucking sun when picking them.

Yeah my brokerage account is a higher % of my net worth than I would recommend to others but the important point for me is my retirement accounts are going to be enough for retirement, and the value of the brokerage is due to stacking trading wins and not because I dump a lot of money on there that should go to the other accounts.

LOL at Matt Levine, who consistently appears to have his pulse on exactly what my middle-aged self is consuming:

If you are looking for news or analysis about Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar, you should look literally anywhere else; Money Stuff is probably the single worst possible source to read about rap beef.


Wall Street Journal got you fam

Free link

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Getting fed this ad constantly on Facebook (yes, lol at me):

Roughly 1.2k comments of people asking:

  • if it’s insured
  • if money can be withdrawn
  • how much they can invest

Unbelievable that they’re aggressively advertising this to appear as if it’s an FDIC-insured bank account rather than the [checks notes] unsecured, unrated, and untradable bonds of an unprofitable oil and gas rights company.


Nothing in the ad says it’s guaranteed, but they’re cleverly using “Fixed” to imply a safe, “fixed-income” fund.

It certainly is pretty slimy.

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Oh it’s fixed alright buddy!


This stock has a market value of $9 billion, with no hope of any meaningful profits. Imagine shorting it and then waking up on a Monday morning to see it mooning 70% because DeepFuckingValue posted this on Twitter:



I must admit there is something deeply funny in thinking about some MIT nerds at Jane Street or DE Shaw getting pummeled because of some total fucking morons doing memes.