Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

Not trying to Stan for him, but to my uneducated eyes he seems to me much better than his peers in terms of operating a bank. They never have these stupid Wells Fargo type scandals in retail banking and all his recession paranoia does seem to have them better positioned when negative shocks do occur. The stock has performed better than peers basically since 2008 recession all under his watch. I’ve been a satisfied customer since move from PNC to Chase for most of my personal stuff.

I do completely agree with Riverman that he’s a piece of shit human being (as I expect is ever major bank CEO). He’s especially off-putting because he carries himself in such a smug, morally superior, fart sniffing manner.

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Ill be very impressed with the market if SPY is higher than this time in a week, month or 3 months.

Over the last 8-10 years, I’ve evolved to a point where virtually nothing I see in the news can surprise me. And then I see something like this and I have to reset my expectations again.



Yeah, that’s going to be tough to top. You may not need another reset.

You watch UFC?

damn AI is getting crazy


Never. I get all my entertainment content from Twitter in super concentrated form.

I filed taxes for my teenager and told him he owes $150. Now he’s a red-pilled libertarian.


Time to have the roof-roads talk with him…


He’s ready.

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first meta wanted to convince companies to buy quests for meetings now the plan is quests in classrooms. maybe quest for prisoners is next?

“I think in years to come, we will look back and think it was somewhat dystopian that we instructed rows of children to sit in silence behind desks staring at pages in a book and I think we will actually think, wow, that earlier generation they were basically consigned to this really joyless way of learning,” Clegg said.

fuck off



Still 9 Hondas, long way to fall.

and not one link after this endorsement?

For Mises was able to demonstrate (a) that the expansion of free markets, the division of labor, and private capital investment is the only possible path to the prosperity and flourishing of the human race; (b) that socialism would be disastrous for a modern economy because the absence of private ownership of land and capital goods prevents any sort of rational pricing, or estimate of costs, and (c) that government intervention, in addition to hampering and crippling the market, would prove counter-productive and cumulative, leading inevitably to socialism unless the entire tissue of interventions was repealed.

also wrote something on socialism

It’s headed that way.

Go pull up a 1-year chart and turn on earnings report indicators. For the past four earnings cycles, TSLA beat twice and missed twice. However, all four times we saw significant declines in the 1-2 weeks after earnings dropped, and that was without all the turmoil we see the company faced with right now.

I am not even exaggerating when I say that $120 by June is absolutely live.

DJT puts are also just free money atm but i can’t imagine it’s gonna stay that way for much longer. I mean, there IS a bottom and it’s fast approaching.


Why? It’s as unnecessary as posting a link to who Sklanksy is.

Back in the day, in the old country, the libertarian bros basically had a non-stop circle jerk about LvM. Let’s just say that he was brought up a lot.

If you had to take a shot every time Borodog and pals brought up his work, you’d be dead pretty damn quick.

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had no idea and had to look it up