Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

The lesson of the past eight years has been that you shouldn’t underestimate how dumb people are.

Paying people directly gives them to much power, Bruce would prefer to keep the power in the hands of corporations/government

Try not paying taxes this year and using the “too dumb to fill out forms” excuse and let me know how that goes


Because it’s rocket science!

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The lesson of the past couple hundred years has been that you shouldn’t underestimate how influential wealthy people are.


I have bought and sold (for a nice profit) TWICE the same TSLA 4/26 $170 put. I just bought it again today (it’s currently down $120-ish, not concerned).

However, if the financial stonks world is going to actually take that obviously-neo-nazi-racist “robotaxi 8/8” tweet from him as a declaration of a release date well I never. I may just retreat to my HYSA and await the apocalypse.

That’s what’s happened on repeat for 10 years now. Maybe this times different?

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You thought the bulls would have learned by now? Have you met any bulls?

TSLA bulls are bears for basically any other stock


Just noticed you said 4/26 so I think you’re fine. Earnings April 23 gonna smack it back down. Then closer to 8/8 it’ll pump again.

late to the conversation, but seems like a pretty hot economy at higher interest rates is better than a pretty hot economy at lower rates, and much better that a very hot economy at lower rates. powell would want to leave the fed the option to cut if there’s a crisis, without going to 0% like last time. it got pretty weird for a few of years post 2008, because they literally had to try to push through huge stimulus bills through which took years and had unintended political repurcussions.

Jamie Dimon is an incredible CEO and also an incredibly huge piece of shit.

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Soft landing looking less likely with each month’s inflation data, but I suppose hot economy + inflation is better than the economy slowing down and inflation persisting

Lifting heavy bags makes you strong

You know that weirdo was a multi-millionaire before entering Congress, right?

I did not. I assume she isn’t not based on her investment choices

I do not know why JPM shareholders tolerate this fuckin guy. Every time he opens his boomer fossil mouth he lights shareholder value on fire. The stock dropped like 12 points after absolutely crushing earnings because that dickhead can’t stop insisting that The End Is Nigh. He has successfully predicted 17 of the last 2 recessions. Just useless even for a soundbyte


I can’t find the source of her multi-millions but she probably got most of them from her family. She and her husband at the time bought her father’s general contracting company, which is probably just some kind of inheritance passing. I just remember reading somewhere that she had significant money before entering Congress and she took out large PPP loans.

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Worst day of the year I think? And TSLA trades sideways all god damn day :face_vomiting: I assume because Jesus kept telling Cathie wood to keep hitting the buy button like granny at the Caesar’s slots. I think she predicted a $2000 share price or some such nonsense recently.

That makes sense. I know you have to be at least somewhat wealthy to become known in GA politics and apparently she was given what you posted. But her reported returns have been garbage. I posted the pols’ 2023 returns upthread iirc hers were below average. But it’s been rumored she’s made trades through her son to avoid the reporting requirements so who knows