Sports LC Thread

The fact that people disagree with the djokovic DQ is kinda driving me nuts. I think he’ll be extremely lucky if he doesn’t face worse consequences. There’s this weird idea that’s floating around in the world (mostly talked about by people who have never faced real consequences) that if you didn’t intend to do something, then the thing isn’t your fault, and you shouldn’t apologize.

6-7 1-6 1-6 loss to Thiem.

You might have to wait a few more years.

One last chance.

Yeah I didn’t give anyone except Dennis any real equity

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Cool story, great solidarity from Ireland dropping out of a competition so the Iroquois could be included after they were initially, and wrongly, excluded.


I’m a fanboy sitting here in my Ron Magill t-shirt and an espn-Homer but this might have been the best 9 minutes of ESPN produced content ever (obv have to get the show).


Why are we seeing so much fucking Whitlock all of a sudden? I figured I’d be sure to never run across him again after he moved to Fox.

He’s tough to miss.

whitlock is now the go to deplorable sports guy take

You guys ever think about how crazy it is for brothers to make it to the pros? Like obviously they have good genes but for two people in one family to make it to the very top of an insanely competitive profession.


eh, no. Sure a lot of brothers didn’t get similar output on genes or is a monumental fuck up but there’s a bunch of them in the pros.

Lots of choices but for current I love the Griffins. That story gets me every time.

Manning’s have to be #1 brother duo of any sport right?

Williams sisters too.

Without any thought or research, for father/son combo it’s prolly the Griffey’s? Though Vlad and Vlad jr have a chance to take that over.


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Hahah. Admittedly before my time, not seen the movie, but as a sports fan know the reference.

The Bonds family dramatically outperform even the Griffeys, unless you write down Barry’s career by like 50% for PEDs.

Not really my sport, but the Klitschkos have to be in the discussion, no?

Ah, I forgot about Barry’s dad. Yeah, those two beat Griffeys.

I still think Vlad Jr can boost up the dad/son rankings to #1. I think Vlad is a super underrated player of his era. And I think I’ve posted before but I saw Vlad Jr in minor league ball. At a work outing at a game, I was talking to a very senior work partner and asked her to stop talking because we needed to watch this guy hit. Vlad Jr first pitch hit one literally out of the park into the parking lot. All of upper management was impressed with me as I was simply having a beer and commenting about baseball.

Maurice and Henri Richard win this category hands down.

My weakest category of stumping the Schwab is hockey, so I’ll take your word that those two are better than Peyton, who proved you can be the best QB without being the best thrower of a football, and Eli, who was born to win.