Was! Left a little over a decade ago. Miss the cricket scene a lot.
Was a good 2nd team player, poor 1st teamer (sometimes called upon to play 1’s usually the morning of the game). My 2nd team captain for a few years used to have huge Friday nights (multiple pills til 5-6am) then turn up midday Saturday on no sleep gurning away in the corner of the changing room 5 minutes before the toss. Talented bat, obviously never scored any runs.
I was once reported by the umpires and banned for 2 games for delivering a ball with a Groucho Marx mask on… (I’d lost a game of spoof at lunch obviously).
Drinking before/during a saturday game was strictly forbidden…sadly. Fine leg at the pavilion end on Sunday was handily 15m from the bar however!
I appreciate the support AIM but my boy Steve Cohen has more money than those two can scrounge together and he’s a Mets fan. The Mets are going to have the biggest payroll in baseball by maybe double 2nd place. 10 straight WS wins minimum.
Other than the winner being decided on Saturday, turned out to be a pretty wild race. Hamilton deserved a stop-and-go penalty and lol Seb. Get to do it all again in the same place next week too.
His form looks bad imo, but more importantly that rim is extremely forgiving. I saw him hit several that hit the front rim and just gently rolled in. The rim shouldn’t be absorbing shock like that, the ball should bounce when it hits the rim, no?
So ESPN released their new lineup for radio/morning shows. No surprise that they’re getting rid of Golic and Wingo because Golic and Jr are just incredibly boring people. I’ve always liked Trey. Mrs Golic throwing some shade at her husband on Twitter is hilarious. It’s not to say that I dislike Golic or his son but just never felt they added anything different/interesting.
What is mind numblingly dumb is to cut an hour off Dan and Stu. I’m an admitted slappy of their show. Currently I’m wearing a shirt with Ron Magill on it. But I don’t understand the thought process in giving them fewer hours.