So why didn’t they call Nevada for Bernie early?
LOL, calling it for Biden with 0% reporting…and MSNBC went so far as to predict he wins ALL of the delegates.
They want to let Sleepy Joe speak during primetime.
Caucus has realignment.
There were entrance polls. Aren’t they calling this based on that this time?
Lol core constituency = red states
This is a primary, it does not have realignment
I agree they could’ve called that one too in about 5 minutes, but in reality no caucus should be called that soon. If it was a primary your argument would have 100% merit instead of like 50%
Bernie’s voters in Nevada couldn’t realign anywhere and he had nearly 50%. No amount of realignment would have changed that.
They took like 2 hours to call it after the results started coming in.
he only got 38 or so initial? That’s not enough to auto call a caucus imo. I get your point but this difference is a bit of an apples vs oranges thing as much as we all wanna go MEDIA BAD.
He only had 33-34% on initial vote and caucuses are weird. +Iowa.
CNN showing Biden with 71% and Steyer in second
1% reporting
I don’t think this will happen but Steyer was slightly ahead of Bernie on those exit polls.
Like 80% of SC Dem primary voters go to church weekly or occasionally. Bernie doesn’t really pretend to be religious, which probably hurts him in red States.
My concern about older candidates goes 10x for Biden over Bernie. Biden has already lost significant cognitive function.
Nice state you have there SC, where almost all white people vote Republican. Fuck your little hellhole.
If Biden wins this by a big margin, the DNC will start pressuring everyone else to drop out, leaving Biden heads up. If he’s able to hold in the South by big margins, it could be very very tight.
If the DNC gets people to drop in the South but contest Bernie elsewhere, they can easily keep Bernie below 50%.
I mean I see why they called it don’t get me wrong. Biden exit polls are insane. Barring these exit polls being way wrong Biden won by like 20%
if the DNC could do a damn thing, Bloom and Steyer wouldn’t have gotten in at any point.
So how much of this is all the extremely negative ads and campaigning against Bernie and how much is actually Joementum?
it’s just SC, Bernie got wrecked there 4 years ago too. I think it’s simple as outside of the western US, he doesn’t have this giant new coalition of voters that people here thought. SC was open, literally anyone could’ve voted.
Who do we think is going to drop after this?