Nobody’s dropping till after tuesdsy
before ST? Probably nobody it’s in 3 days.
Pete/Warren/Klob/Steyer basically all could’ve dropped out already. Bloomberg will just torch more money on fire.
Steyer could drop right now, he isn’t getting shit on super tuesday anyway. Leave on the high note. Even Pete I don’t know what state he’s gonna win on ST. Like VA should’ve been a good state for him but he’s not polling well there, so it’s like Maine?
Warren needs to decide if she truly wants to advance a progressive agenda or just try to further her own cause. There is no reason for her to still be in this race if the former is true.
Is he wrong lolz?
given NC/GA are swing states in the general, this isn’t one of the red states I think you should lol this result.
Most of the others yeah.
wtf this looks like a waffle crush.
lol fuck the south smfh
She already has. I say that as a former Warren supporter.
We really should be down to Bernie, Biden, Bloomberg after this(I realize we won’t be). The rest have little to no shot to win a single state let alone the whole thing.
lol olds, the south, lfg tuesday
And yet these results, wtf man
Thanks Obama
Yikes Warren
I figure they might all stay in outside of steyer hoping their delegates can get them something at the convention.
Can any Biden policy be stretched far enough to be considered an overhaul?
The one running for senate or the other Biden?
I may need to self quarantine for 3 days to avoid hearing the “this proves Bernie cant win” takes that will be rampant. God damn the south sucks.
He can win but I think it clearly proves it’s harder than this forum thought it was gonna be.