South Carolina Primary Discussion & Prediction

Is that what exit polls are saying?

Where the fuck are the young people in SC? CBS exit poll shows 72% of voters over 44?

Probably leaving the state as soon as they are old enough to move out.


Needle is up, starting with pre primary polling averages.

Sad to say, but I think I nailed my Biden by 10-15% vote, and I think it’s closer to 15 :(

Anywhere I can bet on Chris Matthews orgasming on TV tonight as he announces Bernie campaign is dead?

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But I thought 2nd place in these things are the real winners?


so tom steyer?

Not sure I follow?

Finding yourself hoping young people will deliver an election is like putting you hope in a draft class to lead your team to the next level. Not impossible, but pretty dicy.

It’s like putting your hope in lawyers


How does hoping youth show up compare with hoping boomers don’t boomer?

Seeing those needles just gave me a PTSD flashback to election night 2016.

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Unbelievable to me that anyone actually believe Biden inspires enough excitement to get apathetic voters to the polls.

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I look forward to the MSM telling me Biden is back and saying winning SC is more important than any other state

CNN has also called it for Biden the moment the poles closed…

@StimAbuser Yeah, sorry bro… I just got in, been working :disappointed:

Dana Bashmy head in says SC is the most important primary in this election :unamused:

I assume Bloomberg clinched the title of dumbest billionaire because he’s probably going to spend a billion dollars and all he’ll get from it was taking out Joe Biden’s chances.