So how do we get into this game on a profession level?

Nope, advertising.

largely agree. And the challenge with this won’t even be creating a coherent and unifying story to rally around, but getting it out there in such a way so it can be sustained and impactful.

I’ve been thinking about making this thread for a while. Glad others are having the same ideas. I have a ton of thoughts to share when I have a bit more time, but there’s absolutely no reason that we couldn’t be a more progressive-minded and less-grifty version of The Lincoln Project.

I think our first target is the Georgia runoffs, followed by pushing progressive candidates in literally every market possible.


Yeah, I could write a polemic book that no one will read. I even have an ideas for a few.

Hey, I know something about grassroots activism.

I also know stuff about project management.

I’m down to help, in a few days after I have time to breathe again.


If Republicans were able to make gains in Florida by targeting Cubans. I would start with an analysis of Georgian demographics and look for some subdemographic that can be micro-targeted.

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Jesus christ. The unifying story of the Democratic Party written by a guy who picked John Brown out for his profile pic. If this ran hotter than BTC that’s definitely how I’d start my description of what happened. I couldn’t agree enough about the party needing a story it can tell.

Yeah you’re massively welcome and I hope that’s insanely obvious.


You’re exactly who I’ve been waiting for to see this thread and I was hoping you’d have interest.


I think for the runoffs the goal is to micro target GOTV efforts with ads tailored to and micro targeted at specific groups. What will the dems holding the Senate tangibly mean to group x? What will it tangibly mean to group y? Each group needs a personally impactful reason to vote for both dem senators.

How to go about doing that is obviously the tough part, but turning out every possible dem voter is the ballgame here.


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Unfortunately GA does not reopen voter registration for the runoff, so we can skip registering new voters.

This is a good post


You need someone to move the Overton window to make the real message more palatable. I see myself as having a place within an ideological ecosystem. I’m not an angry person. I guess some people expected me to sound like that on Discourse. There’s a bigger picture that I’m looking at.

I don’t think I can quite get on board with democratic socialism, although I am more friendly towards it than more moderate Dems, but I also can’t get on board with the Democratic establishment’s program of a focus-group tested hodgepodge of issue positions.

We should believe in democracy, even if the full expression of democracy means we sometimes don’t get what we want. We should believe in fairness, expressed in a less impenetrable way than the philosophical musings of John Rawls. We should embrace distributive justice as a vehicle for enforcing fairness. We should be pragmatists who don’t default to socialist means, but are not afraid to borrow from the socialist toolbox.

Democrats are bad at messaging because they lack a unifying message the way that conservatives do.

Obviously the Dems will focus on turning out black voters and at a local level organizing, Abrams is going to do an amazing job.

I think we should consider:

Working class white

Pick one to go after? Or we could try to use FB and target specifically people who are unemployed and/or have pre-existing conditions and message based on healthcare/stimulus/ui.

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I ordered the voter list. The site says it may take a week or two for them to provide it, so I’ll give an update when I have it.


You da man!

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Large military population in GA, we could try to hang the losers and suckers comment around Perdue and Loeffler’s necks perhaps?

Use FB ads and target groups that would be joined by military members and spouses.

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Might be time for a title change…

Unstuck Saves the Senate

We need to figure out how to set up as a PAC or whichever structure we want, I have a friend who wants to toss us a few bucks already and if we really get going I can float the idea to some people in my poker game. One of them is liberal and has funded a tech startup for millions through meeting a kid at the poker table.

I’m not saying it’s a slam dunk but there’s a chance he makes it rain on us if he likes the idea and cares about the Senate.