So how do we get into this game on a profession level?

The way to get in is to tie yourself to an underdog campaign, bink a victory, and ride your candidate’s coattails. In some cases, one can be the candidate.


One way is to find one (or more) UP candidates and support them in a local election. If you can show the ability to organize an actual campaign, that gets you lots of respect. Don’t even have to win.

There are tons of people like us that think they know better than the establishment what can be done, but I think to break in you have to show you can get things done (that or start a successful podcast).

I have two friends that did this as their in to politics. Both relied heavily on friends/family to support their race - both financially and in terms of manpower. One won his race for CA assemblyman and now seems to be moving up in terms of power. The other lost his primary to run for Congress, but used that exposure to get a job as an aide for D Senator.

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I have spent 5 figures on FB ads for my business with around a 2,000% ROI. If we ever get to the point of actually trying to spend money on FB ads I would be happy to give my opinion on what works and what doesn’t. I am no expert, self-taught and learned by trial and error though.


Let’s pool our election winnings and poach Steve Kornacki.

Seriously though, good ideas already ITT. Absolutely down for this. It’s already clear as day D establishment doesn’t understand that they massively fucked up their strategy AGAIN.

Hearing elected Ds double down on socialism bad when the People For Bernie facebook group and the remnants of Bernie’s ground game won you the election makes my blood boil.


Yeah the moderates bleating to the Wapo this morning about losing because of progressives basically put me into a blind fury I haven’t exited yet. My lawnmower is orbiting Alpha Centauri right now.


Tweets from politicians official accounts are to good political strategy on social media as taking the snap from under center on the first play is to winning a football game.

Nobody is saying this.

This post is an exceptional example of the problem. This is what the people over 60 think social media is. They think it’s posting on facebook here and there. They’re the product. We’re the fucking customer.

Honestly if the olds had any fucking idea what this stuff did they wouldn’t have let it grow up under their noses into the mature monstrosity we see today. Right now I’m pretty sure it’s responsible for at least most of the difference between Trump 2016’s turnout and Trump 2020’s turnout. The only reason it didn’t mop the floor with us is COVID.

Earlier I’ll admit I thought FB had probably done this on purpose… but after AOC’s tweet I realized that no, Mark Zuckerburg would never go out on a limb like that… we just fucked up the execution on a galactic scale. I read this tweet less than five minutes after I read the moderate whining in the WaPo. Ooh boy I am not OK right now.


I’ll be honest. What I think the left needs to do is to throw resources into opposition research, then use the fruits of the labor to craft a message that can be amplified by social media, including the use of whisper campaigns to publicize scandalous behavior that might not be illegal.

This is also a valid application of the work. If there’s anything 2016 proved it’s that the Dems basically don’t do oppo research. Like at all. We had months to go over Trump with a fine tooth comb and that was what we had. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

That guy is a fucking gangster. He commits a new atrocity on a weekly basis. There are tens of thousands of people who have interacted with him who would be overjoyed to talk to you on the record if you agreed to pay off their NDA.

These people don’t want to dig deep and do the actual work of crushing the daylights out of their opponents. I don’t want to win by 2%, I want to win by 20% and then I want to convince the 30% that voted for them that voting isn’t worth the effort because it’s rigged.

I am very confident that UP can make a notable impact. We have so many intelligent, logical, and creative minds here. It’s short notice but doing something for the runoffs would be pretty cool imo.


I can set up a OnlyFans account for us.


It’s not just the poor digital messaging. AOC also had it right this morning when she referenced how the information cycle for Dems needs to be perpetual. Trying to convince people who have heard the same story for years that what they believe is wrong inside a campaign window is close to hopeless no matter how right you may be.

in for supporting the UP movement


Pretty sure I trust @clovis8 to do that.

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Those races are likely to be decided by < 60K votes…


Dems have been issue-oriented rather than narrative-oriented for years. They don’t have a self-sustaining story that can withstand a perpetual information cycle. Crafting that narrative for Democrats to use would make it easier to combat Republicans who have their conservative narrative of grievance written for them.


Exactly. Let’s fucking win them both. I’m not sure in what capacity I can help, but I’m unemployed thanks to Trump’s incompetence and I want the Senate so badly.


I worked for a year in the data part of an IT team of a digital marketing company 5 years ago. I hated it but that’s beside the point.

There aren’t many components to it:

  1. list of emails sent periodically by client
  2. an email template produced by creative team matching requirement
  3. periodic SQL job does ETL on the data, applies opt outs and outputs to a table or view in required schema
  4. email tech reads that and merges into email template, sending them out

You’d be better off employing one of these companies than trying to do it yourselves.

I’m talking about like Facebook, IG, Twitter, etc. Microtargeting…

So more of a Russian spam bot.

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