So how do we get into this game on a profession level?

Agreed, but access is part of the problem unless we build it ourselves and recruit candidates.

Like, I’m not sure if people realize this but we could target digital ads to like people in PA-01 who lost their job, people in PA-02 who have a pre-existing condition, people in PA-07 who are pro life but want single payer, etc…

We can figure this out via social media, and we can cut it down even farther and target each group with a specific ad that speaks directly to their #1 issue. We could also probably scrape social media posts to figure out stuff about the language they use to put it into ads and feed it back to them.


I thought they’d be running more targeted digital ads than in '16, but no way did I expect them to do suppression ads or high level targeted stuff. AOC probably is, 99.9% of the rest of the party is not.

We should start with the Senate runoffs. I can buy the voter role info there for $250 or whatever costs and put it in a place where UPers can access and analyze it, and we come up with some action items.


Remember AOC in Knocking Down the House mocking Crawley’s mailers for not even having the date of the primary election on them? Like I legit think we could successfully primary dozens of candidates in the House in one cycle if we had the funding and the assistance recruiting candidates.

Trump built his movement with a message of basically, “The system is broken, these assholes are screwing you, and I’ll tear it down for you and drop it on their heads.”

The winning message is something like, “The system is broken, these assholes are screwing you, and I’m going to go win for you and get you healthcare, more income, etc, etc”


It’s going to be a tough lift with the time left, but I’m game and it could be a test run for some stuff. We could pick a few precincts/districts and see what we can do. If we can get the candidates to outperform there, we have proof of concept and might be able to use it to really get the money flowing in.


I mean just look at what Andrew Yang achieved from literally scratch. That dude is competent and it shows. He played his hand well and he won the maximum. That guys pretty gifted, but again this is a problem of having massively incompetent people who have no connection to the reality of their own trade anymore running one of the two major political parties decision making. If that doesn’t change things have a pretty reasonable chance of going Mad Max when we’re Mitch’s age.

I’m not doing it this way. I’m just not. I’m over here figuring out how to solve trucking problems today. I’m spending my time figuring out how to get a container of fucking cheap chinese building materials through the port of LA instead of figuring out how to fuck over the eDems… and that’s really irritating this morning for some reason.

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It’s also important to note that the best thing about econophile’s plan is that it lets us abuse facebook to raise money for operations. As long as our FB ads have a positive ROI (and this is probably not that hard if you’re doing it correctly) we can pay the team off the of the donation stream and buy data. We could create a self funding suppression ad factory that doesn’t take input from the Democratic Party.

I would have donated to RVAT if they showed me the ad and told me that for every dollar I donated the ad would be served to X GOP voters. I would have donated a lot. And I suspect the map would look different today.

Isn’t that exactly what these guys do?

we could grow this forum and our twitter presence


One of the things that makes this forum great is the average quality level of the various posters. I like the idea of more posters, but not if they bring the average quality down at all. If you know cool people invite them. Anyone with an open mind, critical thinking skills, and preferably a decent ratio of specialty knowledge : toxicity.


Yea I have a vision that doesn’t really align with the rest here. We could grow and prune. There are others like us, I meet them all over facebook. We would need to do targeted ads but given this group’s unwillingness to give money to fb or twitter (despite the ends justifying the means) means it’ll never happen.

Oh well.

Lol yeah this thread is about spending huge amounts of money on social media. Because apparently the Democrats can’t be counted on to do that for some reason. At least that’s my current best idea. It’s a slight modification of econophiles, but I think it’s a good one.

Near as I can tell the Democrats think social media is for raising money. The stupidity of that hurts me so much inside that it makes me want to curdle up into the fetal position.

I also sincerely want the Democratic Party and everyone else to be able to deny that they even know us. The more I think about it the more I think the reason we probably didn’t target their voters like we should is that we thought it would set a bad precedent or something. Jesus Christ these people are fucking trash. I cannot come up with a single explanation for what just happened that doesn’t lead me to the conclusion that they are the political equivalent of that 85 year old asshole who was driving 15 miles an hour under the speed limit and still managed to run a red light and a stop sign while I was behind him on the way to get coffee this morning. I don’t know what kind of driver he used to be, but today he’s a dangerous menace who is going to get someone killed.



This tweet was part of the idea generation on the OP. I read her tweet and instantly knew what happened on Tuesday. These fucking morons fucked up digital during a pandemic. That’s just an absolutely unacceptable competence fail and I’ve seen enough.

Just about the only thing about myself that I have any pride in is that I am an extremely competent decision maker. I make good workmanlike decisions and I make them at scale. Oh and I’m pretty decent at giving people bad news, which is a surprisingly good trait to have.

It should also be about fixing polling/modeling so we can figure out where to spend the money, and messaging better for the platform - which ties into social media advertising anyway.

And shaping a better and more strategic platform - like dropping a couple of federal universities in geographically strategic areas to get a bunch of liberals to move there. Maybe moving HHS and EPA, etc.

Part of my thing is I’m not an expert on digital marketing, I’ve never even really used it. I just know the basics and that we need to be doing it. I have no resume to point to in order to prove I’m a smart dude who can help with messaging, so it’s like I’m just gonna be some random dude who walks in and says, “I’m smarter than you, hire my new firm to help you.”

But if we can put a UP team together that already has the right experience in a few areas… And maybe put together some platform positions to revamp the party platform or add planks nobody in the mainstream is even thinking of (like how to turn Wyoming blue)… Maybe then we can go to the Justice Dems, Brand New Congress, AOC, etc and get connected in the way we need to.

I think any effort like this needs to arise from, but segregate from UP into a new firm. This is how we met and connected, but not the vehicle through which we actual do it. Whether we could still post here would have to be a legal question I guess with like PAC laws.


A tiny percentage of tweets from politicians official accounts are for fundraising. Most are dedicated to persuasion and catering to the base.

If you think the future of politics is internet trolling by independent groups, just throw some money to the Lincoln Project.