Sign Up for Walrus Grab Bag 5—More music based shenanigans knows 0 metal bands from Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, DR Congo, Rep. Congo, Central African Republic, Cape Verde, Christmas Island, Cook Island, Cocos Island or Cayman Islands.

There are 4 from Cambodia and 1 one from Curacao though.

Sliten6ix Deathcore (early); Black Metal (later) Phnom Penh

i hate their later stuff.


Category Host Name pyatnitski

Category Late Night Vibes
It’s after midnight, everyone else is asleep but you aren’t. Maybe you’re reading too, maybe you’re not. Maybe you have to keep the music quiet, maybe you’ve got your $600 headphones on. Maybe you’re content, maybe you’re not, but you should definitely be asleep, but you’re not.

Musical tastes Jazz, worldwide ‘folk’, noisy or ambient electronics, instrumental / experimental rock, 70s weirdness of most kinds, louder metal, minimalism, idiosyncratic 90s indie bands, dub, old soul & R&B, this and that. Don’t really listen to contemporary mainstream rock. I hate coffeeshop acoustic stuff, but then everyone thinks that even though some of them like it nonetheless.

Notes I have a definite vibe that I go for when it gets late but you don’t have to hit that to score well as I’ll just go by how much I like the song. It might be best if you say a few words about what vibe you’re aiming for, though, as that will eliminate the possibility of me worrying that “this isn’t late night music at all, though, is it?”


My bad, I meant Godzilla (the one I linked to). Ill fix my OP. @Pauwl could you please update the consolidation post as well?

Listening to country music I remember why I don’t like country music. My experience so far in nutshell:

I hope the category features a lot more like “Harlan” and no songs about trucks and boots.

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Yuv and Lawnmower Man are not playing, is that right?

Don’t think so. I’ll do an official category wrap up post with contestants, categories and new instructions + deadlines tomorrow morning.

Still time for sign-ups everyone!

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Ah thanks, didn’t know there was an official list coming

I’m still a maybe. I want to participate but my time commitments are not cooperating! Will depend on how the next couple of days go and when the deadline is set for submissions. Luckily my category is fairly basic and should not be taking up much of anyone’s time.

I’m always willing to set deadlines around participants within reason, there’s no other purpose for this except to have whoever wants to participate participate. When would you need until?

One of the key things from my category is this:

Also, the consolidated categories list has been updated above for seities and pyatnitski’s updates.


If I had a good idea I’d tell you but my work schedule has been really wonky the last two months and I might not be able to listen to any music for a long time. Like, much longer than would be reasonable for a walrus submission deadline. As of right now I’m unfortunately leaning towards not participating but still holding out some hope that things will work out differently than expected.

I think you can probably proceed as if I’m not in to keep it simple, people can keep my category in the back of their mind though just in case it ends up working.

OK, so categories are in and we have 11 contestants, so everyone will be picking 10 songs and ranking 10 songs. Simple.

So, what do you need to do now?

  1. Go look at the categories, Pauwl has helpfully collected them all here:
    Sign Up for Walrus Grab Bag 5—More music based shenanigans - #140 by Pauwl

  2. Pick a song for each category that isn’t yours. (Note Mjiggy’s is still there but he is not in at the moment. I think we can trust him to say he’s actually in with enough time to address it.)

  3. Send your entries for all the categories that are not mine to me. Please put them all in one PM and include the Category owner, song title, artist and link. Youtube is the easiest but including Spotify as well is very useful for lots of people.

  4. Remember to choose your joker entry, which will earn you 1.5x the points. Put that in your PM to me even if you’re choosing my category (though, obviously, in that case don’t say what the song is.)

  5. Send your entries for my category to Pauwl.

  6. Do all this by the deadline of Sat 5th June
    (As ever just before midnight wherever you live (rigourous honour system enforced.))

As above if that deadline is too short for anyone let me know. A few more days won’t change anything.



This might be a bit tight for me. It’s a holiday weekend in the US.

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OK, so the Friday or do you need the next weekend as well?

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I usually bang out categories I can’t think of on a weekend morning (might not be able to this weekend), so would be nice if it could be due on the 5th.


5th would be good for me as well, as I am gone Mem Day weekend

Note to all: I notice that there is an electronic music thread. I think I poked my head in there a month or so ago, but if I clicked on any songs I don’t remember them, so don’t worry about that thread when picking a song for me


Yeah it’s not going to work out for me, sorry. I was looking forward to my category but I just have no time to look for other songs; maybe I’ll do a solo walrus instead at some point. I’ll still try to do my usual obnoxiousbeloved railing.



Extra words because discourse won’t let me post just that.

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